Essay Example on Agile word is come from Latin where its mean is that Agree








Agile word is come from Latin where its mean is that agree to do anything that is assigned to person These days it is used as be ready for any change flexible reliable and acceptable Moreover it define remain active in any condition and always ready for any change or quickly adapt these changes and implement these changes in active plan Agile person A person is considered agile person who has ability to think quickly and also fully aware from his environment and work condition He is mentally prepare to handle any situation and able to do accurate work within given deadline or before deadline There are some characteristics of agile person Self confident agile person have believe on his ideas and able to define properly his views to other team members and convince them to implement the task with something different way that make the work is easy and more compatible Good listener agile person is not only good adviser but also has the capability to listen others points of view He is always ready to listen his colleague s ideas if his assistant or team members plan seems to be good and better than his given idea then he does not hesitate to implement the plane according to their team members Adaptable agile person follow the rules and stay on their commitments to accomplish any task and also willing to adapt new techniques Quick

He is able to work accurately and hastily if any person is innovative but he is failed to complete task on time then is not an agile person Agile person is very active and lively to achieve his goals and promises Good leader He has ability to become good leader and also appreciate team members to become innovative and improve the working skills and also give proper advice and chance to everyone to explore their ideas Punctual He is punctual and knows the value of time and follows the rule and regulation and does everything on time Example A person is 60 years old but he is agile person because he is ready for any improvement and willing to do something different and take risk to accomplish any task in given time Whereas a person who is 30 years old seems to be more active than 60 years old man but he is not willing to do something new and unaware from the environment and also unable to achieve his goal within limited period of time Then he is not considered as agile person even he is young then old person Age does not matter if person has capability and desire or to do anything quickly and efficiently Agile person become a leader if he unafraid of taking risk and also motivate and inspire his members to achieve goals In any interruption or failure he has ability to remain calm and think clearly and try to solve the issue with his team members He has experience to handle challenging situation and work effectively He has passion of learning and intense curiosity to explore new ideas Moreover he has strong determination and give equal chance to team members and also trust on their work if any team member ask any question regarding work or any issue then leader has responsibility to listen and understand the concept and provide the solution of problem he has positive attitude at all time and an innate ability to be diplomatic in any circumstances

These days agile are common in specially IT environment All kind of organization want to hire a agile person who has willing to work in iterative evolutionary and lean methods because every company want to earn more profit and remain in top thus the company s focus is based on to fulfill customers requirements because their all profit and the life of their product is based on customer Agile person tries his best to meet client s requirements and able to do change if needed Sometimes customers do not satisfy with the product then agile person has patients to listen clients complaints and able to ready for the improvement and give believe to client that they will complete the product according to specifications and within deadlines and as eerily as possible Any company makes a more effective product but at the same time is unable to complete the product within given time and cost and requirements It means budget is over and now company loss their position or reputation in market because the company has not agile person or agile leader who are failed to read proper instruction and accomplish the product on time In Business environment a person is considered as agile person who follow these principle First priority is to satisfy customer needs Welcome changing requirements Work together Face to face interaction Continuous attention on plane and technical excellence Highly visible open and honest Focus on incremental development Best architecture requirements and design effectiveness Focus on quality Accomplish work within time Take customer feedback and implement Ability to inspire and motivate others

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