A is 1 4 and E is 6 8 mean they are not overlapping on each other So they can execute together Now a and e profit time will be add to each other now the profit at e is 3 6 9 a b c e d f 1 4 2 6 4 7 6 8 5 9 7 10 3 5 7 9 4 8 j i Table 5 Now j will increase and move to another index 2nd fig 5 B is 2 6 and E is 6 8 mean they are not overlapping on each other So they can execute together Now B and E profit time will be add to each other now the profit at e is 5 6 11 a b c e d f 1 4 2 6 4 7 6 8 5 9 7 10 3 5 7 11 4 8 j i Table 6 Now I will increment j and j will on c index and then they both are overlapping on each other So i will increment and j will be on first index again i will move to d A is 1 4 and D is 5 9 mean they are not overlapping on each other So they can execute together Now A and D profit time will be add to each other now the profit at e is 3 4 7 a b c e d f 1 4 2 6 4 7 6 8 5 9 7 10 3 5 7 9 7 8 j i Table 7 fig 6 Now I will increment j then 2 6 and 5 9 will overlap to each other Now again 4 7 and 5 9 are overlapping to each other I will increment j again Now again 6 8 and 5 9 are overlapping on each other Now j approach to i so again j will move the 1st index A is 1 4 and F is 7 10 mean they are not overlapping on each other So they can execute together Now A and F profit time will be add to each other now the profit at F is 3 8 11 a b c e d f 1 4 2 6 4 7 6 8 5 9 7 10 3 5 7 11 4 11 j i Table 8 Now j will be increment again they both are not overlapping to each other B is 1 4 and F is 7 10 mean they are not overlapping on each other So they can execute together Now B and F profit time will be add to each other now the profit at F is 5 8 13 a b c e d f 1 4 2 6 4 7 6 8 5 9 7 10 3 5 7 11 4 13 j i Table 9 j will be move to the next now C profit is 2 and F profit is 8 mean 2 8 10 which is less than 13 so we will go with 13 Now
I will increment j e and f are overlapping to each other I will increment j now d and f are again overlapping to each other i will come outside loop will be breakdown Now we will see each box of array in which is the largest value that will be the weight d f will be the sequence Analysis and Comparison with other algos solving same problem There are other algorithms too but they do work with other methods also they are for scheduling which program will run first or not Priority Scheduling Multilevel Queue Scheduling Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling They all are scheduling algorithms they all for that which program will run first Here is the algorithm of the weighted job scheduling WeightedActivitySelection A A list of all activities Now sort A respect to the finish time MAXIMUMPROFIT 0 for j 1 to n qj BinarySearchTree floor A j START MAXIMUMPROFIT j MAX MAXIMUMPROFIT j 1 MAXIMUMPROFIT qj w j return MAXIMUMPROFIT n Other algorithms don t have the start time and end time also their profit is not given in many algorithms some algorithms sort according to time that how much time the task is taking They give priority to all tasks according to their time Some of the algorithms work which task come first Some algorithm sort the task according to the job that which have shortest job Many of them run according to their end task Few sort according to the to their end task Major finding This algorithm tell us that which task should be run first who give us maximum profit We can schedule easily With this algorithm no program will overlap on each other When we have so many jobs to do in specific time also the jobs should be in given time one time only one job run No other can overlap on this If it s overlapping then we should run only a single job for scheduling a task it's so good algorithm In the end we find maximum weight Conclusion This algorithm tells us that if we have too many tasks how they can run without overlapping on each other It gives us the sub
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Noplag.com. Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling (2020, February 05) Retrieved from https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling
Noplag.com.(2025.) Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling [Online]. Availible at: https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling [Accessed: 18 Feb. 2025]
"Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling" Noplag, 18 Feb 2025, https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling
"Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling". Noplag, Feb 05, 2020. Accessed: February 18, 2025. https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling
"Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling" Noplag, 18 Feb 2025, https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling
"Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling" Noplag, 05-Feb-2020. [Online]. Availible: https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling . [Accessed: 18-Feb-2025]
Noplag. (2020). Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling05-Feb-2020. . [Online]. Availible at: https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling [Accessed: 18-Feb-2025]
{{cite web|url=https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling |title=Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling|publisher=Noplag.com |date=February 2020 |accessdate= 18 February 2025 }}
Noplag. Algorithm of the Weighted job Scheduling [Internet]. February 2020. [Accessed February 18, 2025.]; Availible from: https://noplag.com/free-essays/algorithm-of-the-weighted-job-scheduling