Essay Example on America still in its infancy in the late 18th Century









America still in its infancy in the late 18th century finally began to grow as a nation The Labor Movement emerged from the direct response to the rise of industrialization after the Second World War The labor movement is a broad and still going effort to organize workers into unions in order to gain collective strength in negotiations with employers about wages and working conditions This threat of work stoppage or striking gave workers a collective power to compel concessions from business owners The labor movement in the United States of America began to increase from the need to protect the common interest of all workers For those who worked in industries these labor unions fought for better wages reasonable hours and safer working conditions The labor movement made efforts to stop child labor give health benefits and provide help to workers who were injured Throughout history labor worker unions continue to struggle for equal opportunities treatment and fair wages sparking social criticism through films magazine articles and news soundbytes The film Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911 depicts the start of how workers labor was becoming a huge conflict It was late in the afternoon on a beautiful spring Saturday March 25th 1911 4 40 p m 

Nearly quitting time at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York s Greenwich Village Someone dropped a match or cigarette and within minutes the factory which occupied the top three floors of a ten story building became an inferno cite this The author wants us to feel the sadness based of off the people who died in the factory that day the sound the film plays is quiet and includes a long melody which gets the viewer into the actual mood of the film Objects such as this factory represent the wrongly treated workers and the lack of safety they had Out of the ashes of the Triangle fire came new safety and fire regulations Child labor laws and workman s compensation The outpouring of support for working people galvanized the fledgling American labor movement cite this In this case unfair treatment lead to not being prepared for incidents in the workplace which caused thousands of people to die from being trapped inside the Triangle shirtwaist factory These workers rebelled and pushed for change so incidents like this one wouldn't happen again On May 4 1886 a bomb went off in Chicago that ignited one of the nation's first red scares the blast killed seven police officers and led to the hanging of four anarchists accused of plotting the attack

 The author of the audio The Haymarket Riot Remembered wants us to remember and realize that the Haymarket Riot was an incident that sparked the nation's first Red Scare Historian James Green s book Death in the Haymarket explores the tensions that led to the explosion and the panic that followed cite this He talks with Debbie Elliott about a period of paranoia in American life and the ways the violence helped to shape the modern labor movement Employers launched an aggressive drive to undermine wages and living standards in 1886 workers from around the world responded with an aggressive campaign of their own an international movement for less work and more pay The song PAINT ER RED is saying for working men to come and give a helping hand and march together this song is saying to go against your boss s and raise your union flags The two main noticeable things about this song are the repetition of For ONE BIG INDUSTRIAL UNION and how it starts saying let's come together rebel cite this This passage makes the reader feel angry due to its bold words and exclamation points The image With ONE BIG INDUSTRIAL UNION is significant because it is repeating in every paragraph and shows importance The author is speaking from the view of a worker from back then and is speaking to all related workers I feel the author wants us to react to this song by realizing what conditions workers were under and how they needed to stand up for one another 

The metaphors are presented in a order to show the listener how big of a deal this is and how important it is to come together Red s the color of our flag it s stained with blood and tears This struggle for freedom changes with history because whenever there are major groups of people working against a wrong power the right ends up proving to come through When bosses don't pay their workers equally it motivates people to realize how they should get paid more for their extra hard hard Even though Workers didn't have benefits like workman's compensation their conditions were still hazardous and sometimes deadly they worked long hours for little pay and oftentimes the workers were still young enough to be children With these drawbacks the workers learned to fight with tools like the national strike cite this today a fight rages between workers and employers The industrial period a few centuries ago was when that fight began even though companies have made the worker feel more important and accepted there is still a need for unions companies are doing everything they can to save money By putting most attention on the worker they are making labor less dependant upon unions If the companies win then they will underpay and abuse their employees It is critical that unions recruit more aggressively or a lot of the progress they have made will surely be lost

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