Essay Example on Analysis Class Diagrams are the blueprints of a System








They can be considered as the descendent of Entity Relationship Diagrams ERD’s They show the classes of the system and their operations and attributes A class model can be consisted of one or more class diagrams Analysis Class Diagrams can be useful in systems analysis and design to understand the requirements of the problem domain and identify the components define relationships between entities clarify and define the static structure of the models and the classes show the behaviour of one or more classes describe what objects do and what services they provide and many more Class Diagram for Record New Tour use case Tour is an entity and it has the following attributes 1 tour name as T_name string 2 tour type as T_Type string 3 description as description string 4 start date as Start_date string 5 duration as duration double 6 tour leader code as TL_code int Driver is another entity and its attributes are as follows 1 Driver code as D_code int 2 Name as D_name string 3 preferred region as preferred_region string 4 preferred tour length as tourLength double 5 preferred tour type as T_Type string Clerical Assistant performs the following operations 1 Add tour 2 Save tour details 3 Select Driver 4 Save driver information According to the use case scenario a Clerical assistant can select one or more drivers and save their information He may add one or more tour and save tour details Multiple drivers can be assigned to one tour but a driver cannot be assigned to more than one tour at a time Following this way of thinking the Class Diagram was created with the associations that are displayed What is a Communication Diagram

A communication diagram is an interaction diagram which is used in a use case realization which is a way to accomplish a use case It shows interactions between objects and parts lifelines using sequenced messages in a free form arrangement The major elements of a communication diagram are the frames the lifelines and the messages Communication Diagrams are divided into two parts which are the collaboration which shows object instances and links and interactions which show messages between instances In systems analysis and design they can help you support the testimony of objects that participate in use cases and model collaborations between objects or roles that deliver the functionalities of use cases and operations Communication Diagram for Record New Tour use case In the above communication diagram this is the communication between two actors i e Clerical Assistant and System The flow of communication is as follows 1 Clerical assistant selects add tour 2 System displays the tour details 3 Clerical assistant entered tour details 4 He saved those details 5 System displayed message Assign tour driver 6 Clerical Assistant selected Yes 7 System displayed list of drivers 8 Clerical Assistant selected driver from driver code 9 He then selected save to save driver s Information 10 System displayed message Add another Driver 11 Clerical Assistant selected No Clerical Assistant entered tour name tour type description Start date Duration and tour leader code as tour details System displayed the list of drivers with the following information driver code driver name preferred region preferred tour length preferred tour type

What is a Sequence Diagram The sequence diagram is used primarily to show the interactions between objects in the sequential order that those interactions occur It is a great way for the visualisation and validation of various runtime scenarios which can help you predict how a system is going to behave Furthermore it helps the discovery of responsibilities that a class might need to have in the process of modelling a system In systems analysis and design they are considered as one of the most important design level models for modern business application development because they focus on identifying the behaviour of a system which is very important Sequence Diagram for Record New Tour use case There are two actors on this system All the sequence of actions is among them The Clerical assistant selects add tour and sends a message to the system Then the System displays the tour details on screen in response to the Clerical Assistant s message The Clerical assistant enters tour details and saves them System shows display message Assign tour driver if tour leader code is recognized otherwise an error message is displayed If the code is recognized then the Clerical Assistant selects Yes System displays the list of drivers with their detailed information and the Clerical assistant selects a driver using driver code Then he saves that information System displays message Add another driver again A Loop will be executed until the clerical assistant selects add another driver equal to Yes If he selects No then the loop will be terminated Alt block is used where there is a condition and loop block is used to execute some actions until false condition occurs

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