Essay Example on Analytical structures of the general fuzzy controller with linear control Rules FLC









CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY The analytical structures of the general fuzzy controller with linear control rules were derived by Ying 2 4 It clearly shows that how a fuzzy controller with linear control rules and Mamdani minimum inference is the sum of a global two-dimensional multilevel relay and a local nonlinear proportional-integral PI controller The properties of the nonlinear gains of the local PI controller are investigated It is proven that as the number of input fuzzy sets approaches infinity the global multi-level two-dimensional relay approaches a global linear PI controller while the local nonlinear PI controller disappears General fuzzy PI PD controllers using multiple fuzzy sets were proposed 1 4 5 6 It has been demonstrated that fuzzy self-organizing control can provide good attitude control of the earth resources satellite a multivariable system with significant dynamic cross-coupling 

The controller requires limited process knowledge and its performance is shown better than that of a complex P D controller The learning capabilities of the controller compensated for the process model A closed-form formula for a nonlinear fuzzy controller with two inputs triangular fuzzy numbers and Zadeh fuzzy logic to evaluate linear fuzzy control rules was presented in several research papers It was demonstrated through simulation that the multi-region FLC performed well in controlling the DC series motor and single-link manipulator which is a highly nonlinear process Moreover the controller was shown robust to variations in dead zone nonlinearities It has been shown that an FLC with linear control rules and Mamdani minimum inference is the sum of a global two-dimensional multi-level relay and a local nonlinear PI controller 2 3 

H stabilization design is developed for a class of N-dimensional nonlinear parabolic PDSs Further two low design cost robust fuzzy controllers called the robust fuzzy area controller and point controller as well as a normal design cost robust fuzzy full controller are proposed for this problem The difference between the three control designs lies in their controller placement in the spatial domain by Shih Ju Ho Bor Sen Chen 21 Krzysztof Wikitorowicz proposed a design method for second-order systems that guarantees the stability of an adaptive fuzzy controller with state feedback The prime motive of this paper is to propose a frequency-domain method for the design of state feedback adaptive fuzzy controllers Comparing with time-domain methods that require advanced software tools the proposed method offers simple graphical interpretation on the Nyquist plane 22 proposes a comparison of a conventional and fuzzy controller for higher-order nonlinear plant with high dead time by Dr Beniwal 23 24 25 26 illustrates the analysis of the comparison between conventional controllers and the fuzzy PI PD PID controllers

The properties of nonlinear gains of local PI controller were investigated A rigorous analysis proves that FLC with unequally spaced triangular membership function can be viewed as the combination of a global multilevel relay and a local nonlinear compensator 6 The design criteria of PV cell DC DC converter and grid-connected DC AC inverter which belong to the photovoltaic systems are determined and Simulink models are established in the study The results of the Fuzzy logic and PII control were compared 7 8 A survey of the FLC is presented a general methodology for constructing an FLC and assessing its performance is described and problems that need further research are pointed out 9 The Fuzzy Logic Controller is compared with PID control for the dynamic response of the closed-loop system Overall performance show that FLC perform better than PID controller 10 11 The Fuzzy logic controller and PID is more consistent and tough to the nonlinear properties of the pitch angle with the wind speed 12 The simulation results prove that the control characteristic with fuzzy logic is better than that with the conventional PI controller 13 Liuliu Zhang 

14 has studied the distributed adaptive fuzzy containment tracking control for a class of high order stochastic pure feedback nonlinear multiagent systems with multiple dynamic leaders and performance constraint requirement The control inputs are quantized by hysteresis quantizers The fuzzy logic controllers have been made even simpler from its design to deployment by the study of Andriy Sarabakha Changhong Fu 15 The adaptive fuzzy logic controller and the state predictor are utilized to identify the dynamic of the time-varying delay-free nonlinear plant in order to cancel the nonlinear term for the nonlinear control system in a canonical form and a in-depth survey of fuzzy controllers its classification its effect to mitigate non linearities is illustrated in 16 17 A new approach to fuzzy controller construction which combines features of proportional integral derivative controllers and flexible fuzzy systems is proposed by Krystian Lapa Krzysztof Cpalka 18 A fuzzy secondary controller FSC based virtual synchronous generator VSG control scheme for interfacing inverters of distributed generation DG units is proposed for voltage and frequency regulation in microgrids by Xiaodong Liang Chowdhury Andalib Bin 19 In 20 a new approach for robust fuzzy 

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