293Animal Cruelty Research Paper Outline Introductory sentences Imagine being a dog You’re being beat up by your owner and have had no water or food for the past year Approximately 6 5 million animals undergo animal abuse each year 3 3 million which are dogs and 3 million are cats 10 000 dogs die from being forced to fight against each other every year According to these facts a lot of problems are caused with animal abuse How can an app be made to reduce any animal abuse done to dogs Body of Paper Paragraph Two Introductory Sentence What is animal cruelty Fact One When someone doesn t care for an animal responsibly this is called animal cruelty Not giving a shelter like food and water is against the law To be cruel to or harm animals is also against the law APA in text Citation for Fact PAWS 2018 para 1 Fact Two These are illegal things to do in support against animal cruelty To attend an animal fighting event To use live vertebrates for experiments or exhibitions in a manner that causes them pain or interferes with their normal health To subject cause or procure an animal to be tortured or tormented or to be cruelly killed beaten or mutilated To fail to notify the owner or police after striking a dog or cat with a motor vehicle
To use animals as lure or bait in a cruel or inhuman manner To transport an animal in the back of a motor vehicle unless animal is properly restrained To offer or give away any live animal including goldfish as a prize in a game of skill or chance To willfully abandon an animal To carry or cause an animal to be carried in or on a vehicle in a manner that endangers the animal including transport of an improperly secured animal To willfully permit an animal to be subjected to unnecessary torture suffering or cruelty To fail to provide proper food and water shelter or protection from the weather or a sanitary environment APA in text Citation for Fact MSPCA 2018 Concluding sentence This is what animal cruelty is and the rules of animal cruelty Paragraph Three Introductory Sentence There are many different types of animal cruelty Fact One 70 1 of animal cruelty involve dogs 20 9 of animal cruelty involves cats and 24 1 involve other animals APA in text Citation for Fact The Humane Society of the United States 2016 para 7 Fact Two There are two main types of animal cruelty Direct violence signs include open wounds multiple scars limping or difficulty walking Neglect Signs of neglect include injuries or illnesses that linger untreated poor living conditions bones visible through the skin and extremely poor growing APA in text Citation for Fact Josh Weiss Roessler 2015 para
3 Fact Three Main subtopics of animal cruelty include Cockfighting bloodsport that forces binds to fight for the entertainment and or profit of spectators Greyhound racing cruel and senseless sport that kills or injuries thousands of dogs every year across the country Farm animal welfare right now billions of animals are being raised on crowded inhumane factory farms Horse slaughter the taboo practice of killing horses for human consumption Dog fighting a type of bloodsport in which dogs are forced to fight for the entertainment and or profit of spectators Puppy mills a large scale breeding facility where profit is placed above the well being of animals Animal hoarding occurs when an individual houses more animals than he or she can care for leading to animal neglect APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2016 para 2 Concluding sentence These are the types of animal cruelty Paragraph Four Introductory Sentence What are the signs of cruelty Fact One Tight collar that has caused a neck wound or has become embedded in the pet s neck APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Two Open wounds signs of multiple healed wounds or an ongoing injury or illness that isn t treated APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Three Untreated skin conditions that have caused loss of hair scaly skin bumps or rashes APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Four Extreme thinness or emaciation bones may be visible APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Five Fur infested with fleas ticks or other parasites APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Six Patches of bumpy scaly skin rashes APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Seven Signs of inadequate grooming such as extreme matting of fur overgrown nails and dirty coat APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Eight When an animal is limping weak or cannot stand or walk normally this is also a sign of animal cruelty APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Nine When an owner hits or slaps an animal this is a sign of animal cruelty APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Fact Ten When an animal looks confused or drowsy this is a sign of animal cruelty APA in text Citation for Fact ASPCA 2015 para 7 Concluding sentence These are the main signs for telling animal cruelty