Essay Example on Animal experimentation has been used in biomedical, behavioral and cosmetic Experimentation









Animal experimentation has been used in biomedical behavioral and cosmetic experimentation and research for a few centuries experiments using animals were used in Greece more than 2 000 years ago and since then there have been numerous advances in solutions medicines and in the comprehension of how the functions of creatures have been the immediate aftereffect of creature experimentation Just like experimentation and research using animals is not new the worry over the welfare of research facility creatures is likewise not new as reflected in the exercises of different creature welfare and antivivisectionist groups dating back to the nineteenth century the concern over the wellbeing of these animals has even prompted laws and controls administering the utilization of animals in research and to different aides and explanations of standard intended to guarantee compassionate treatment and utilization of lab creatures 

Even though these laws and regulations have been put in place there still remains the fact that the use of primates in biomedical research in the U S is inhumane National Geographic states that primates possess a ninety six percent and chimpanzees share a ninety eight percent similarity to humans but in spite of that animal experimentation is still nonetheless unreliable There are many differences between chimpanzees or monkeys in general to humans in DNA sequence and how our genes function These genetic differences ultimately cause differences in physiology http www huffingtonpost com aysha akhtar why animal experimentatio_b_3997568 html Human diseases are typically artificially induced in animals but the enormous difficulty of reproducing anything approaching the complexity of human diseases in animal models limits their usefulness According to the The Flaws and Human Harms of Animal Experimentation even if there were a considerable amount of similarity between an animal like the monkey and the corresponding human disease the interspecies differences in physiology behavior pharmacokinetics and genetics would ultimately limit the reliability of the results of the animal study even if there was a considerable amount of research put into the study One of the most notable failure of the ability to translate the results of animal experimentation using monkey is the HIV and AIDS vaccine research An enormous amount of time and resources were put into creating non human primate models of HIV and 90 HIV of the HIV vaccines the succeeded using the monkeys failed in humans So the monkeys went through an enormous amount of poking and prodding all in the name of a vaccine that ended up being ineffective in the end Both the physiological and genetic differences between monkeys and humans make the humans use of primates to study diseases of humans treatments for humans and for pharmaceuticals invalidate the results gotten from the studies In addition primates should not be used for animal experimentation because of the amount of pain that they have to endure on a daily basis because of the experiment performed on them Every year one hundred and five thousand primates are imprisoned in laboratories where they are subject to abuse and invasive painful and horrifyingly terrible experiments peta Animals go through deprivation loneliness boredom insanity pain and misery even though as stated in the paragraph above the results become ineffective do to physiological and genetic differences

The baby monkeys that happen to be born in the laboratories are taken away from their mothers within about three days of their birth and there have been investigations done that found out that in order for the primates to be taken from their homes the mothers are shot or shocked These monkeys are confined to small cold steel cages where they barely have enough room to move 

According to Peta research shows that ninety percent of primates in laboratories exhibit abnormal behaviors due to physical abuse psychological abuse stress social isolation and barren confinement that they have to endure on a daily basis Due to the conditions these moneys live in they experience insanity They start exhibiting behaviors such as rocking back and forth pacing endlessly engaging in repetitive motions such as back flipping and even self mutilation The tests that the monkeys are used for are painful For instance Human beings do not possess some kind of a divine right to the use of other creatures besides themselves if the humans themselves are unwilling experiment upon themselves or other human beings Mankind s thought process on the use of animals for human purposes and to prolong the life of humans is greatly flawed and morally and ethically wrong The biggest or most prevalent justification for the use of animals to the means human ends and interests is that they receive benefits from the use of these creatures This notion even if it was used for a more charitable and good cause would in the end still be justifying the ends with the means Humans would rather sacrifice a non human entity in order to save the life of a fellow human at the expense of pain suffering and death of large amounts of animals Most individuals would agree that humans are obviously different from animals and although humans are different in the sense that we can make moral decisions think about different subjects in an analytic state of mind communicate our opinions and control our desires but because of the superiority complex that humans have over animals humans become oblivious to the harm they are actually doing to these animals

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