386However animal testing is inhumane inaccurate and there are alternate solutions Some scientists say animal testing has been very useful in the last century contributing to many medical breakthroughs such as the polio vaccine penicillin tuberculosis the making of insulin and many other medical treatments Animal testing has also helped scientists better understand how to treat breast cancer leukemia malaria and many others Scientists also claim how there are no other ways to experiment They claim there is nothing to replace a living body with all the organs and systems within the body Supporters of animal testing claim that animals are the perfect subjects since they share up to 99 of DNA with humans The scientists justify their testing methods by saying how the laws protect the animals from being harmed Many cosmetic companies put animals through unnessaccary testing to ensure their products are safe for customers Animal tests may have contributed to medical breakthroughs and have helped with ensuring cosmetics but animal testing is still cruel to animals Animals are still being abused animals have feelings
They can suffer just like humans Animals may share a large percentage of DNA with humans and animals are vastly different therefore many of the results for animals are not the same for humans There are many new ways for scientists to test rather than using animals Animal testing is inhumane Animals may not have the same rights as people but that does not mean they deserve to suffer The Animal Welfare Act AWA has been put in place to help protect the animals however 95 of animals are not guaranteed safety under this Act Even animals that are protected by the AWA are being mistreated and killed The Humane Society has claimed that the testing for a pesticide has over 50 tests and may requires the use of 12 000 animals Animals are still being locked in small cages starved burned shocked blinded addicted to drugs and many more brutal procedures According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals PETA around 100 million animals are killed each year These 100 million animals are killed in laboratories biology lessons medical training or experimentation for cosmetics The many animals used in laboratories are put in very bad living conditions and are sometimes immobilized This is not only unhealthy physically for the animal but also mentally harmful This environment brings a great amount of stress for them Living in cages not able to move is not natural and they are not used to the atmosphere The stress builds up and the animals begin to go crazy
These examples are just some of many unethical lives the animals are forced to live Besides the fact of the cruel conditions of the laboratories the tests are not even accurate Animals may share a large percentage of DNA with humans but animals and humans are vastly different Paul Furlong Professor of Clinical Neuroimaging at Aston University states that it's very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we re trying to achieve in the human Procon Human and Animal anatomy organ function metabolism and many more body structural and functional differences that cause us to be so different As a result about 92 of drugs approved for use of humans fail according to the FDA Additionally more than 50 of the products or drugs have been revoked and relabeled because the effects of the drugs were much different than expected Neavs