Essay Example on Apple Google and Microsoft are striving to gain a competitive Advantage









Apple Google and Microsoft are striving to gain a competitive advantage in Internet experience and mobile computing For their business models the 3 firms have had to form an alliance with one of the other two firms against the third firm Google and Apple currently lead the mobile computing market with Android OS and iOS respectively Collectively they want to prevent Microsoft from expanding beyond the PC desktop and Windows OS but they also compete against one another to gain more market shares in the mobile marketplace for mobile phones and apps Apple and Microsoft ally to prevent Google from extending beyond search and advertising but are enemies in mobile marketplace for devices and apps Google seeks to weaken Microsoft s PC software dominance and Microsoft attempts to enter the search advertising market with Bing Google currently dominates in search and advertising specifically Internet Search with about 80 of the search market Apple leads in mobile software applications with its App Store for iPhones offering a wide and vibrant variety of applications to their users Microsoft leads in PC OS with Windows used in about 90 of the world s PCs and in Microsoft Xbox consoles and games 

2 Mobile computing is important because there is a projected value of 400 billion from e commerce websites by 2015 with the main access device being a smartphone or tablet computer Mobile devices are also predicted to account for majority of Internet traffic by 2015 As such gaining a competitive advantage in mobile computing will allow firms to profit extensively Apple offers closed proprietary standards iPhone that operates on their own iOS and distinguishes itself from rival competitors with its App Store with a vibrant selection of applications Google developed its own Android OS and offers it to manufacturers of mobile devices that runs on this OS for free As such Android is used in almost 60 of smartphones worldwide Although Microsoft does not have its own mobile OS Microsoft established its cloud and mobile presence through operating their Office 2013 productivity suite in the cloud and launched Windows 8 operating system that is compatible with its Surface tablet computers 3 Mobile apps and app stores have a huge significance in enhancing overall user experience of a smartphone contributing to the success of mobile computing An app store with a wide variety of mobile apps enhances mobile functionality and allows users to customize their smartphone to their needs Closed app standards like Apple's iOS makes close monitoring easier and enhances security for users of Apple products However it also has more restrictions since Apple has the final say on access to services Developers will have to create apps that adheres to the restrictions which may impede creativity 

Open app standards like Google's Android OS allows developers and startups to create apps more rapidly and at cheaper prices while maximizing creativity Open app standards could eventually result in a wider variety of apps in the Google Play Store than Apple's App Store offering more choices to users 4 Google and Apple will continue to dominate the mobile computing market and Microsoft will continue to dominate the PC operating systems As of now Google and Apple both have operating systems that are well received by mobile users with extensive app stores that caters to mobile consumers Microsoft s efforts to break into the mobile marketplace has not yet been successful but their Windows OS is still used in most desktops To me there will not be a clear distinction if Google or Apple will prevail in the epic struggle The main reason is that competitors will eventually at one point of time learn from one another and play catch up to remain technologically competitive An example is Google adapting Apple's Siri to offer a more advanced virtual assistant ie Google Assistant on Android handsets and Apple following the trend of wireless charging of Android handsets 

5 When one company dominates the Internet experience the rate at which new technology and innovative products are developed will drastically decrease In any industry companies need healthy competition to feel the need to rush to develop and innovative products based on upcoming market trends for their consumers in other to gain a competitive advantage With one dominant company in the market other competitors will be driven out and smaller companies may not attempt to compete directly with the dominant company As such the variety of product offerings for a consumer will now become limited Consumers will also notice that new product offerings and new technological advancements are not developed as quickly since there is no rush for the dominant company to develop a new product Consumers will also not benefit from any price competition as the company will not be inclined to price their products at the lowest competitive price if there are no competitors in the market

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