330These drawbacks made organization to focu on approach such as AI Big data for Analytics Big data refers to approaches tools and methods to handle structured and unstructured data which is humongous diverse and is effective in the conditions of continuous growth The analysis operations needs to be preformed on large amount of data It is based on the concept of four Vs Volume Variety Velocity and Value The transition to new technologies by the organization to work with a large volume of data is an indicator of readiness which is referred to as Bigd If Bigd exceeds 50 then Big Data analysis technologies should be implemented Volume refers to accumulated data parameter Velocity computation is based on two values the first details the capture and processing of data in near real time the second is the rate of data accumulation in the organization Variety collection of data from multiple sources in which may be in multiple formats Value determination is done by experts and it ranges from 0 to 1 to prioritise the source of the data Big Data technologies aren t efficient for evaluation of the quality of services Various organizations has proposed a methodology to evaluate reviews based on Artificial Intelligence AI AI based approach to Quality Management
Representation of the results of Sentiment and Aspect is done in textual form 3 4 Decision Trees It is an algorithm for data processing obtained from Sentiment Analysis and Aspect Sentiment Analysis The key characteristic of the algorithm is data mining to support decisions in product quality management For the realisation an intelligent data analysis tool is used the results of which are easily comprehensible as they are represented by means of Boolean logic The algorithm explains what product aspects influence customer satisfaction and in what way The decision tree model allows us to consider the influence of not only the separate sentiment comments on aspects but also of their mutual presence or absence in the context on customer satisfaction It enables us to detect the most significant product aspects that are essential for the customer It makes it possible to evaluate experimentally customer satisfaction in dependence on satisfaction with different product attributes which allows to distribute the company s budget effectively to maintain a high product quality The significance of aspects group shows how much the sentiment of a review depends on the sentiment of the aspect group