Essay Example on Approximately three years of English classes at Lambert High School









Cohort B Approximately three years of English classes at Lambert High School total of twelve credit hours and now I have been asked to write this reflective essay that describes my experience with this course of study which in my opinion it was terrifying and liberating My development through the various levels of education comparatively has been lean ward to mostly the sciences than arts My experience with English and literature has so far been with the analysis of text and writing Initially my writings and comprehension of text always took the innocuous route I only friended topics that I easily understood and only gave answers that I was taught give Through my time at Lambert I have been challenged to write about things I did comprehend and analyze text that I had no idea about Sitting down to write an assignment began to take much time I could just not compose freely The annoying aspect was that revelations and triggered thought would always occur in the moments between rinse and repeat between stir and heat between sleep and awake 

These hair raising thoughts would often disappear before my pen could cry on my paper With all these frustrations I began to distance myself from anything that had something to do with English or literature In my second year my class was assigned the most ruthless teacher on campus After the first month of class we were tasked to write an essay criticizing as many facets of his attitude or attacking his personality Though there was a lot to say this assignment was initially a mission impossible because these types of writing were not within my league and conflicts with what I understood as a good essay To this and other projects I acclaim with the opening of my mind and break away from my once formulaic and my trademark of safe writing This radical change was very rigorous and definitive I really relished this newly discovered part of me and quickly my interest and appetite for creative writings and literary works grew by leaps and bounds Becoming an ex convict of my old writing habits was only the beginning In subsequent classes I began to advance my potential to link the connections in my mind into more expressive composed sentences paragraph and essays The English department of Lambert really influenced this academic metamorphosis as I cobbled together new critical perspectives from the ashes of my old self Through this time I read text such as Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus Lawrence Dramani's 

The grief child Efo Kojo Mawugbe s In the chest of a woman Prince Mark Coffie ID Number 28982021 Cohort B and many others These texts were texts I could easily relate to due its African setting and it improved my close reading skills It served as a basis to explore and read outside the African canon Per my intuition through English and literature taught at Lambert shied from the extrinsic analysis of literary work they perpetually stress on the fact that there was always a bigger picture to every literary work and that the truth and beauty of a literary work were too complicated to be held in single a theory To drive home this point we were assigned projects during the long vacations to explore and to examine any literary work in our own understanding This activity was very liberating and laid bare to me certain text interpreting skills that has been a limitless supplier of food for thought These capstone projects exposed me to some literary works like paintings of Artemisia Gentileschi books like Ulysses Odyssey and other books characterized with rich diction that has really impacted my life and improved my writing skills and helped to discover my own thought to piece together the pathway to my new self My reminiscence of these days was a critique a girl gave on religion analyzing religion from a very different perspective 

I never considered She claimed though religion sort to restore order to society it constantly marginalized women it required of a woman everything but in return gave her nothing Her findings and analysis of religion were really revealing but always overlooked Though this new part me was discovered my old self always spontaneously surfaced and I was always in contention within myself This perpetual contention has made me a better person knowing a lot about myself and potentials Introspect to these three years of my life which has brought me both joy and frustrations transitions and discoveries have made me feel more prepared for life and college than I did three years ago My past exposure to English and Literature has provided me different ways of accessing the world and has made me lifelong learner and researcher Prince Mark Coffie ID Number 28982021 Cohort B

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