Essay Example on Architects can’t resist tripping the light fantastic ELLI WOODMAN









View point Architects can t resist tripping the light fantastic ELLI WOODMAN The current shift of understanding architecture as an intersection between place and event rather than just space and time break a new ground for many architects and critiques Dance and architecture are two disciplines of creativity that sharing a special relationship between each other At a glance Dance is a movement of human body and architecture is a spatial quality experienced by the human body through the movement over time In 2014 the British architect and critique Ellis WOODMAN wrote architects can t tripping the light fantastic in architecture review series about architecture and dance before 14th Venice Architecture Biennale an every two years exhibition that provides an opportunity for architects and designers to exhibit and the director was Rem Koolhaas Woodman discusses the direct bearing of the dance in the development of modern architecture and studying architect le Corbusier and his interest and expression of dance in his sketches and buildings Dance is a movement of human the body throw the space because the dance happening when the dancer listening to the music and produce a reaction through the body movement which is also happening in the space the body movement itself create forms of space 

This movement of the human body is one of the determinants of architectural form in term of the definition of the space rhythm geometry and other aesthetics theories the Eurythmic dance a dance with synchronized gymnastic body movement to articulate the music this type of dance impressed the Swiss French architect le Corbusier who is known by his deep interest in the human body in term of the body proportions as he mention in his book the modular His designs based on the human body proportions Le Corbusier in 1911 document this type of dance in his famous sketchbook Voyage d'Orient after visiting Hellerau where Dalcroze dance established and then a new aesthetics concern inspired Le Corbusier from the Dalcroze dance and he started to sketch this aesthetics concerns like The geometry rhythm and repetition on his works especially in his essay Milestone in the magazine l Esprit Nouveau which is considered a remarkable development of modern aesthetics sensibility on that time Also he attracted by ballet Russes s dance the dance that represents a remarkable linkage between representation of the dance and architecture for Le Corbusier when he draw syncopated rhythms as a representation of skyscrapers and jungle elements as a clear transformation 

But despite his interest and remarkable transformation of the dance into sketches as it already shown in his books like Voyage d'Orient or into buildings as woodman see Le Corbusier definitely cannot represent all the modern architects point of views on how to explain the relationship between architecture and the dance and the transformation and inspiration between them in modern architecture Therefore this explanation is quite limited because this issues has been touch by many architects with different remarkable varieties and rich interpretations of the relationship between dance and architecture Furthermore his works that mentioned it's mainly a representation in a form of sketches rather than a clear example of buildings form generated throw the concept of dance and of course it noticeable Le Corbusier interested in dance only because of his infatuation of dancer's body rather than a clear concern to reflect this dance into buildings the modern architect Walter Gropius worked in this field the total theater concept which is contain different fields like music movement lighting and so on Example like this may be more informative and useful than the architect le Corbusier Therefore woodman point of view is confined to one architect

The concept of the relationship between dance and architecture is actually far behind the simple concept of dancer's body movement because if we look at the dance as an event in a place it will set setup a new understanding of the relationship to architecture in fact both disciplines has its own approaches to practice architecture practice normatively involves a drawing whereas the dance practice use the body both theory has its own set of being architecture might typically produce the space that dancers might dance in On the other hand dancers create event within this spaces architecture can be seen as more typically concerned with sequence of spaces and dance more typically concerned at event end of the continuum

Many postmodernism architects the concern for the event in place is important If we respect this and look to the dance throw this lens dance is very rich event because it has more effects like the effect of lights and shadows and more importantly the effect of music because we cannot talk about the dance without music Therefore the relationship between architecture and the dance is a parallel development for example the modern dance has the theories of modern architecture in term of simplicity enhance of the technology To sum up from early history dance and architecture are correlated together architects create a spaces buildings and cities and the process of the design and morphogenesis is similar to dance production and the same theory of the process and final product therefore architect and the relationship need more research either because the two fields practiced separately or due to the controversial dialogue of the nature of architecture between art and science

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