Essay Example on As a qualitative study data collection Methods









Data Collection As a qualitative study data collection methods such as semi structured interviews surveys questionnaires and focus group sessions are often utilized For this proposed research study a combination of semi structured interviews together with questionnaires will be employed as Gibbs 2007 pointed out using both methods offers flexibility as well as enhances the quality of data generated The use of semi structured interviews and questionnaires will also ensure that what is missed in one method can be discovered in the other A total of twenty participants will be recruited for this study Out of this number fourteen will be individuals with wound attending the outpatient wound clinic while the rest six will be nurses that are treating them The patients will be served with the questionnaires which will be designed to ensure ease of response by ticking appropriate boxes A template of the questionnaires is available in appendix 1 On the other hand the nurses will participate in the semi structured interview session the questions designed for this session are equally available in appendix 2 A variety of sampling methods employed in a qualitative research include random sampling stratified sampling and others can potentially be used in a study of this nature 

Creswell 2012 but the purposeful or selective method is preferred because as the name implies the researcher will depend on his judgement or knowledge to select patients whose wounds are being treated with honey As Coyne 1997 argue the sample selection in a qualitative research has a considerable effect on the outcome of the research however with the understanding that at this proposal stage there is the likelihood that some alteration or adjustment might become unavoidable during the actual research Data Analysis Thematic approach is proposed as the method for data analysis in this particular research In following a number of other qualitative studies this method of data analysis was useful in enabling the researchers to critically interpret and make sense of the data collected Massey 2011 Therefore a primary data analysis will enable this researcher to gain access to datasets collected from patients and nurses who consist of the research population And it is logical to hold that the larger the sample the more likely the result will be representative and this invariably increases the validity and generalizability of the findings Smith 2008 and Smith et al 2008 however the implications of small sample size in this study will be highlighted in the limitation to the study session According to Braun and Clarke 2006 thematic analysis is a process of analysing data by identifying recurring ideas notions or themes within a data set and categorizing them into homogeneous or similar groups Unlike grounded theory thematic analysis is flexible and straight forward its emphasis on detailed theoretical and technical knowledge is minimal Guest et al 2002 For example Braun and Clarke offers a six step approach which will enable any researcher to utilise this method is spite of research experience 

These steps include identify re occurring ideas within the dataset classify them into similar groups establish analytical categories and the final stage is the coding process These groups are further classified into out of which themes are finally developed Ethical Considerations The need to be conscious of ethical issues in every form of research cannot be overstated however ethical considerations defer depending on the nature of research On the one hand in a literature based research the possibility of harm to participants is very negligible hence issues relating to proper use of sources referencing and reflexivity are uppermost On the other hand the possibility of harm to participants in a primary research is huge Aveyaad 2010 Bowling 2014 and Descombe 2010 For example the researcher is obliged to ensure that participants safety are not endangered as a result of their participation that their consent is sort and granted prior to participating and their they are free to withdraw at any stage of the research NMC 2015 Blightman et al 2014 and Descombe 2010 Therefore issues of data protection and confidentiality are uppermost in a research of this magnitude in this vein participant names or any information that may reveal their identity will be anonymized in line with NMC 2010 and RCN 2011 Moreover as a qualitative research that is primarily based on secondary data the major ethical concerns revolve around adherence to the University of Manchester s Research Ethics Committee Guidelines Similarly it is mandatory for the researcher to ensure that approval is given before commencement to maintain academic honesty and confidentiality of information Moreover the issue reflexivity is vital in this research because it enhances the credibility and reliability of the research outcomes Reflexivity is described as the researchers ability to be self aware in order not to allow preconceived ideas or biases influence or colour her judgement Archer 2007 Although it has be pointed out that there is no value neutrality or put differently that researchers are influenced by their value system as well as shaped by their experiences orientations as a nurse this researcher will navigate such possibilities by privileging evidenced based or clinical results over her professional experiences

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