Essay Example on As the name implies ASO is all about the Practice









As the name implies ASO is all about the practice of optimizing the app's visibility in the app stores by making sure the app meets app store s high ranking criteria The higher the app ranking on the app store the more distinguishable it is to the potential clients Also ASO requires an understanding of the target of the consumer base and one of them is including the keywords that the potential client is going to use to search about apps they're interested on Here are some steps that will improve the ASO Let's start with a descriptive title It's not just about the identity of the app but it's important to use keywords to describe the core functionality of the app so the users are very clear on what they re downloading We use keywords in the title to improve our app ranking in the app store and try to keep everything in under 50 characters and try to mention unique values the provided benefits of the app in the first three lines so that visitors can catch them easily from the description preview Using keywords wisely 

This helps you achieve more organic growth through better discoverability in the app stores I should mention that how we manage the app's keywords is dependent on whether we are trying to promote the app in Apple app store to Google Play In Apple app store we get only 100 characters for the keywords so certainly we choose the most appropriate ones On the other hand with Google Play we have a no limited keyword field so here we can be more comfortable to try a larger number of keywords Monitor the keywords Optimizing an app it's not just about creating some good keywords it's also about monitoring keeping an eye of the rankings of the keywords and even add any new keyword that might pop up Using app intelligence tools we can remove the old keywords and replacing by new ones and staying within the limited 100 character rule Stand out with an unique icon As the potential customer browses a list of apps the visual icon is probably the first impression they ll have on the app When approaching the icon design it's very important to know that the Google Play Apple App Store vary on their standards for the ideal size geometry and color schemes This way we need an icon capable of breaking through the clutter 

They should be very clear that they immediately convey what the app does So it s important not to overcomplicate the icons with unnecessary words or logos that demand extra time for the users Localize listing of the app A big problem for optimizing apps is that a lot of them are listing their apps only in English this way they ll lock the app from a vast chunk of mobile users worldwide Our app development team in Dubai is working harder than ever to internationalize our app s codebase by following these guidelines and by changing the app titles keywords first few lines in description In other words if you look up for an audience that goes beyond the English speaking language adapting the brand language and communication is a key to win the heart of your largest segment of the audience Screenshots videos Screenshots and videos we put in description may not have the effect on the search rankings but they do provide downloads To produce a better screenshot it's good to focus on the message that it gives it must bring the descriptive text of the app to life and this allows potential users to visualize the app before downloading it Apps designs in Dubai created by us approach the screenshots on a way that s showing off the app s most crucial features latest updates and the pages on which our users will spend the most time Ratings and reviews Ratings and reviews play a very important part in how an app is perceived by users it holds the highest possible validation of the app quality But many app agencies in Dubai forget about checking them and this is where we have a strong influence on our users This means that a strong engagement requires looking beyond the app listing and not only create an app the users will love but an app that they are willing to go back and post reviews on Don t forget about the updates Mobile users are constantly looking up for apps that are always looking forward to improve the apps that they created with regular updates and always based on the user’s feedback Apps that keep being updated are always noticed by both the app store and the app users

But the releasing update is only half of the work the hardest part is to encourage the existing users to download the updated app There are a lot of ways to sell the updates by adding a description on the What s new field by a push on notification or an updated link displayed in the main navigation Wrapping it up Understanding the data and science behind the app store algorithms you can improve the way you see the App Store Optimization strategy ASO is an ongoing process that never stops thanks to the continually evolving of the app technology and the competitive nature of the apps And sticking out in this crowd takes time and it's not an easy task but once you understand the strategy behind it you ll find a way to improve the app s conversion rate and monetize the app in the optimal way

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