Essay Example on Aspect of war There is no doubt that war is Evil









Aspect of war There is no doubt that war is evil It brings relentless bloodshed destruction and death amongst people and nations It is without a doubt one of the worst disasters to befall humans People on both sides dying for their country sometimes willingly and other times forced War can be heroic noble and even dignifying however people still come home internally scarred The memories of what they saw and did are often too difficult to endure Rupert Brooke the writer of The Soldier is considered a war poet he died early in the First World War and never got the chance to write about the reality of war The Soldier resides in an early phase of the war a time where people were much more optimistic and patriotic By that it reflects the honor and pride that shined over the English men who entered the war in the early stages of the conflict The poem takes the form of the typical English sonnet also used by William Shakespeare which is highly visible with the use of the ending rhyme ababcdcd in the first eight lines There is no denying the patriotic message within the poem noticeable in its repeated mention of England and English which is mentioned 6 times When we take a closer look at the poem we unfold subtle hints of its patriotism such as 

Foreign field already in the second line It shows us that even though English soldiers may die in the fields of France the pride and courage taken with them will last forever Dulce Et Decorum Est is a poem written by Wilfred Owen following his experiences fighting in the harsh battles of France during World War One The Latin name chosen by the young soldier means It is sweet and honorable The vivid imagery and searing tone of the poem reminds the reader of the unforgettable horrors of World War One The poem uses a double sonnet There are 28 lines in total and many lines are in iambic pentameter with end rhymes But during his work he decided against this form as seen that all four stanzas are unequal He starts of by narrating the action from a present form with similes such as Bent double like old beggars under sacks knock kneed coughing like hags In the first sonnet Wilfred Owen narrates the action in present form while in the second he sees it from a bird's view In the second stanza Owen explains the attack As gas shells begin to fall and the soldiers rush to put on their masks a clumsy soldier drops his mask and start Yelling out and stumbling 

The image of the man guttering Choking drowning just because he failed to put on his mask in time helps the reader understand the horror of combat In the final stanza Owen writes that if the readers could see the dead bodies they would stop sending young men to war They would stop feeding their children old lies of how sweet and honorable it is to die for the fatherland Rupert Brooke's The soldier and Wilfred Owen's Dulce Et Decorum Est indicates that there is more than one aspect of war In The soldier Rupert Brooke reveals what an honor it would be to die for his country Unlike Dulce Et Decorum Est The soldier does not transfer the feelings of horror and death that comes with war Instead it s shying away from realism and truth When it was published in the initial stages of the war people needed faith and faith is what they got It made war seem like it was not so atrocious It s if The soldier wants the soldiers to accept death and be proud of dying British because there will be some corner of foreign field that is forever England In Wilfred Owen's war poem Dulce et Decorum Est he shows the horrible incidents of war as the men are gassed and forced to see their comrades die The narrator of the poem goes on to explain that in all my dreams before my helpless sight he plunges at me guttering choking drowning He will never forget the horrendous experiences of actual combat He is talking from a different aspect of the war he was in combat While Rupert Brooke was not War is not all evil and with war comes peace 

Before you reach the point of peace one must fight It can be gruesome awful and even terrifying but fighting for your country is probably one of the most honorable achievements one can achieve Knowing that you are the one keeping your friends family and loved ones safe can give you peace Feeling like you are fighting an endless battle seeing your comrades being slaughtered or killing the enemy takes its toll on someone Each poem is glorifying the opposite side of the same story It is honorable to fight for your country but it is certainly also a nightmare no one wants to be in I would not say that one poem is a more accurate rendering of war but one is without a doubt more realistic while the other is a more optimistic view on an seemingly endless war

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