Essay Example on Assessing the Impact of Legitimization of Street Vendors








Assessing the impact of legitimization of street vendors their regulation and livelihood protection in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. INTRODUCTION To protect the tripartite rights guaranteed under the Constitution in Article 14 19 and 21 of the street vendors the Indian Judiciary has played a prominent role in recognizing them and their rights as a result of which a National law on the protection of livelihood rights has been carved by the Central Government in 2014 addressing the various issues related to them So this Act is seen as an empowering tool for the regulation of street vending as well as for the protection measure for those urban poor who provide to the needs of essentials daily use items food materials etc at inexpensive prices to the economic category customers REVIEW OF LITERATURE The issue of street vendors has been historical but the Act came in force is recent so it do not cater much literature on the issue Review of Book The Constitution of India P M Bakshi The Indian Constitution under Article 21 imbibes the protection of life and personal liberty which includes an immanent facet i e Right to Livelihood within it and the means for which has been recognized under Article 19 1 g by carrying out any occupation trade or business has been mentioned by the author in the book Review of Articles Street Vendors Laws and Legal issues in India WIEGO Law and Informality Project The article specifies that validating the spirit proposed under Article 19 and 21 the Central Government for the protection of life and liberty and promoting the economic justice as Act No 7 of 2014 passed The Street Vendors Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending Act 2014 on 4th March 2014 It also mentions about certificate of vending which would be issued to every vendor periodical renewal of vending licenses vending fees paid to the municipal corporation as decided by the appropriate government under scheme

The Article also specifies about the crux of Article 14 which provides for right to equality and thus lays down that 40 of the members of the town vending committee would be the vendor representative and among them 1 3rd will be women It also emphasized on the duties carried out by the vendors while carrying out vending in the allotted space like preserving hygiene conducting vending by not damaging the public property Financial Accessibility of the Street Vendors in India Cases Of Inclusion and Exclusion Sharit K Bhowmik and Debdulal Saha The study conducted mentions that this Act has been incorporated with the motive to protect that unorganized sector s population which forms an integral part of the informal labour sector in Indian Market and who earns their livelihood by selling goods and services by vending on the streets without any enduring perpetual rooftop over their head and regulate the street vending National Policy for Urban Street Vendors and Its Impact Satyam Shivam Sundaram The author in the article mentions that there has been reported numerous apprehensions addressing street vendors like constant harassment by the police and local administrators physical abuse seizure of the good inappropriately bribery and protection money etc A Law for Street Vendors Editorial Economic and Political Weekly The Article comprehends that Act lays down provisions for constitution of a town vending committee which would be entrusted with the surveying of street vendors under the time frame decided by the appropriate government for that state and no eviction to be carried out unless the survey aforementioned has been carried out eviction will be carried out only after serving a notice prior to 30 days no eviction will be carried out without providing alternative vending space vending certificate would be issued the confiscation and seizure of goods will be done according to due procedure

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The Indian Judiciary in various cases has made an effort to provide recognition to the fundamental rights of the street vendors as they are deprived and disorganized and cannot be isolated in the indeterminate condition and thus this research is an attempt to look into the result of the attempts the Act the proper implementation of the provisions the due procedure followed and remedy provided in protecting the livelihood and trade of the street vendors without any loss to their dignity and income And also it will deal with issue of public purpose land the parameters of its declaration the scheme under which the appropriate government authorizes the civic body to carry out the survey and the procedure adopted by the civic bodies for the rehabilitation and resettlement of the street vendors RESEARCH QUESTION 1 Under what procedure a street vendor is evicted by the authorities and measures taken for their rehabilitation after survey has been done 2 Whether the principle of equality has been followed by providing the representation to 1 3rd women amongst the member of town vending committee 3 What terms and conditions has been observed for keeping public health and hygiene by the street vendors RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1 To understand the procedure followed by the civic authorities concerning the fate the rehabilitation and resettlement of the vendors 2 To observe the extent of women participation in the town vending committee 3 To analyze the scheme under which the civic bodies has surveyed the street vendors 4 To understand the terms and conditions which has been observed under the scheme for keeping public health and hygiene by the street vendors RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS H1 The street vendors now vends with a certificate of vending H2 The street vendors are served notice before their eviction and relocation H3 Under procedure confiscation and seizing of goods of street vendors is done by authorities RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research would be Doctrinal as well as empirical in nature RESEARCH SITE The research would be based in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh as rules and schemes both has been notified in Uttar Pradesh and TVC has been constituted in major regions

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