321Assisted suicide is defined as An attempt to take one's life with the intentional assistance of another person Assisted Suicide Definition There are many people for or against this type of death I believe we should all have a choice to choose to live with an incurable disease for a certain amount of time or to choose to die painlessly It is our own body and we should have the choice of what we want to do with it Death is inevitable you can t run hide or prevent it from happening You can die anyday anywhere at any time Why should a person that is terminally ill who has no chance of being cured going through pain we can t fathom not be given an option to live or die Many people may argue that it is against their religion or morals because the right to decide when a person dies is God s However we should realize we should understand and grow away from suffering and look at it from a different perspective While others may say it is inhumane what is really humane is to allow a person to do as they wish with the number of days they have left to live
People may also argue against that fact that doctors should cure not kill A law which does not make anybody do anything that give people the right to decide and prevents the state from prosecuting you from exercising your freedom not to suffer violates somebody else s constitutional rights is insane Cotton Paul I believe that the quality of our life is far more important than the length of it therefore I am in favor of legalizing assisted suicide No one enjoys pains I don t like seeing people go through pain The legalization of assisted suicide can actually minimize the suffering of those patients Many people would rather not bring up death For seriously ill patients death is a good thing for them How can one want to go through intolerable pain and suffering instead of a fast and peaceful death that causes no more harm to the person Medical technology can only do so much for a terminal person as well as perscribed medicine Dr Christaan Barnard author of Good Life Good Death quotes his colleague Dr RobeRT twycross who said To use such measures in the terminally ill with no expectancy in return to health is generally inappropriate and is therefore bad medicine by definition 22 The pain will never go away and the patient will never be able to recover If anything the person will be in misery and in more pain For instance a patient with an incurable disease that is trapped on a hospital bed with miserable pain each day does not want to take it anymore so they choose to end it It is certain that the patient chooses to end their life in a certain way A human being can only take so much there are certain requirements that do have to be met before having the option to choose this I am not saying it is okay for anyone to kill himself because they are depressed or may be feeling suicidal I am saying everyone with a terminal disease or severe mental health problems deserve the choice to live or die
People may also argue against that fact that doctors should cure not kill A law which does not make anybody do anything that give people the right to decide and prevents the state from prosecuting you from exercising your freedom not to suffer violates somebody else s constitutional rights is insane Cotton Paul I believe that the quality of our life is far more important than the length of it therefore I am in favor of legalizing assisted suicide No one enjoys pains I don t like seeing people go through pain The legalization of assisted suicide can actually minimize the suffering of those patients Many people would rather not bring up death For seriously ill patients death is a good thing for them How can one want to go through intolerable pain and suffering instead of a fast and peaceful death that causes no more harm to the person Medical technology can only do so much for a terminal person as well as perscribed medicine Dr Christaan Barnard author of Good Life Good Death quotes his colleague Dr RobeRT twycross who said To use such measures in the terminally ill with no expectancy in return to health is generally inappropriate and is therefore bad medicine by definition 22 The pain will never go away and the patient will never be able to recover If anything the person will be in misery and in more pain For instance a patient with an incurable disease that is trapped on a hospital bed with miserable pain each day does not want to take it anymore so they choose to end it It is certain that the patient chooses to end their life in a certain way A human being can only take so much there are certain requirements that do have to be met before having the option to choose this I am not saying it is okay for anyone to kill himself because they are depressed or may be feeling suicidal I am saying everyone with a terminal disease or severe mental health problems deserve the choice to live or die
We weren t given a choice to experience pain nor were we given the choice to live with it either Another reason it should be legal is because some people may or may not be able to afford the cost of the medical bills and other expenses the cost of maintaining a dying person has been estimated a ranging from about two thousand to ten thousand dollars a month Dworkin 187 Human life is expensive and needless to say a terminally ill person should have the right to assisted suicide because it is the best means for them to end the pain and costs they cannot afford and the debt they could put their family in Many people want to save their relatives the expense of keeping them pointlessly alive Dworkin 193 Anyone who is passionate about their fellow humans should have an open mind when it comes to their suffering What gives another person the right to tell another person who is going through a terminal illness how they should live out the remainder of their life It should be up to the individual to decide how to ease not only their suffering but their family s suffering as well Works Cited Barnard Christaan Good Life Good Death Englewood Cliffs Prentice 1980 Cotton Paul Medicine s position is both pivotal and precarious in Assisted Suicide Debate The journal of the American Association 1995 Dworkin Ronald Life s Dominion New York Knopf 1993 Assisted Suicide Definition Assisted Suicide Definition Duhaime www duhaime org LegalDictionary A AssistedSuicide aspx Accessed 12 May 2017