Essay Example on At its core Net Neutrality is a piece of legislature








At its core Net Neutrality is a piece of legislature that lawfully binds ISPs internet service providers Comcast is the largest to treat all web data equally To be more specific ISPs must treat all traffic the same That means traffic from one site let us say CNN cannot be faster load quicker than traffic from another site let us say Dakota State University s portal The technical overview is this if you have a big network and you want to connect to someone else s big network you are providing them connectivity as much as they are providing you connectivity Translatively that means large ISPs do not charge each other for bandwidth This is what settlement free peering is Now what if we have a group of people that want to connect to you These people connect to your network but you do not provide connectivity to anywhere else in the internet You are not an ISP you are just a big site that uses a lot of bandwidth You are not providing connectivity to anywhere the ISP cannot already connect to Net neutrality is about forcing ISPs to give free access networks like this instead of making them pay for bandwidth One of the best examples was phrasing Net Neutrality as a mailing system If you want to mail a package that weighs 10lbs and is full of pictures the post office is going to charge you 15

Now let us say you want to send another package that is DVDs also 10lbs However even with the weight being the same as your pictures the post office charges you 30 to send this parcel With all intents and purposes this sounds as they should be the same price the logical argument is that 10 pounds is 10 pounds so it should cost the same This is the basis of net neutrality In the example of the parcel the DVDs and the photos can be all translated into digital information 1s and 0s The only difference between a digital picture and a digital movie is the number of 1s and 0s that are needed to get that file to you Net neutrality means that all of those 1s and 0s are treated equal and are sent to you with the same level of priority and the same speed Telecom companies Comcast AT T T Mobile etc do not share this view They are saying that the 1s and 0s of sites like Netflix our box of DVDs should cost more and be treated different than sites like imgur our box of pictures They believe that they have a right to slow down or speed up the delivery of certain services based solely on what the content is They want to treat some 1s and 0s special and with exclusivity Why is this a big deal It is a big deal because it will heavily affect how access of information is readily available on the internet 

Should you download a raw picture that is 2 gigabytes large how is it different from streaming 2 gigabytes worth of a movie on Netflix There is no additional cost to the telecom based on what kind of file is being transferred because again it is just a stream of 1s and 0s However telecoms assert that this should be different Another glaring issue revolves free speech and the free market Should Net Neutrality not sustain if a new ISP business opens creates a website for you to sign up for their service competing ISPs can slow down the traffic of that website If let us say Comcast decided they did not want the competition they could add this website blacklist to a slow tier of websites Now instead of the website coming up in 1 second it takes 5 minutes to load Imagine the damage this would do to that ISPs business if people cannot visit their site Content providers have consistently controlled the conversation regarding net neutrality

The cons of Net Neutrality have not been as large and affecting as repealing Net Neutrality would be The cons that are of Net Neutrality is that there is no compensation for data usage An unregulated internet is an uncensored internet Many of these telecom companies have urged that the increasing prices could help infrastructure although they struggle trying to justify how two different sources of content with the same size should justifiably be different prices Economix Net Nuetrality What It Is And Why You Should Care http economixcomix com home net neutrality Retrieved January 25th 2018 F C C Invokes Internet Freedom While Trying to Kill It Sunday Review Editorial https www nytimes com 2017 04 29 opinion sunday fcc invokes internet freedom while trying to kill it html Retrieved January 25th 2018 Soros Ford Foundations Lavish 196 Million To Push Internet Regulations MRC Business http archive2 mrc org articles soros ford foundations lavish 196 million push internet regulations Retrieved January 25th 2018

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