Essay Example on Background American fashion Designer








Background American fashion designer Born in May 24 1905 Died on March 22 1958 Oldest of four children born to Eleanor and Adrian McCardell She married to Irving D Harris who was taxes born architect and he also had two children from an early marriage She is credited with the creation of American Sportswear McCardell Claire s life period was difficult and her work were cut short by a diagnosis of colon cancer in 1957 Education Graduated from Parson and she get certificate in the year 1923 in designs of costume In the year between 1923 25 She joined Hood College Maryland After 2 years of study she moved to New York and enrolled in Parsons at New York School of Fine Applied Art She attended Parsons School of Design New York and Paris Between 1926 29 Work Experiences and designs After graduating she start working at a fashionable dress shops as an odd sketching work flower paintings on paper lamp shades She acting as a fit model for B Altman before meeting Robert Turk In 1930 she began working as an assistant designer for Robert Turk Robert Turk bought McCardell Claire with him when he was moving to larger company Townley Frocks During the 1930s the innovation shows like spaghetti string ties sashes were began as well as menswear details would became a part of her signature In the year of 1938 McCardell Claire introduced a bias cut tent like dress which was called as Monastic Dress

The look of Monastic Dress was different which include no seamed waist as well as it hangs loosely moreover it was designed properly having belt that hugged a women s curve gracefully and adds the beauty to her dress The dress was exclusively sold for 29 95 as well as it was sold out in a day The amount of selling was huge at the time so Monastic Dress was copied in a wide range On the other hand the price of trying to stop knock offs drive Townley Frocks out of business After the closure of Townley Frocks Hattie Carnegie hired McCardell Claire to work for their designs that was famed dressmaking firm but the work for their designs were not gain much success as working as Carnegie s clients who were searching of more elaborating merchandise The work with Carnegie may not success but with his company McCardell Claire met Diana Vreeland who would became a lifelong friend and champion of McCardell Claire In 1940 before leaving Carnegie McCardell Claire attended her last Parisian fashion show preferring from then on to avoid French Revolution on her clothing In Second World War the availability of some material was stopped So McCardell Claire flourished under such restrictions But it was the luck that McCardell Claire was working with fabrics like denim calico and wool jersey that were easily available during the Second World War McCardell Claire popularized the ballet flat when responding to the shortage of leather so to produce a wide range of ballet flats to match her designs by commissioned Capezio In 1942 she created Popover Dress 

This dress was a response to a Harper's Bazaar challenge to create something different and special as well as fashionable you could wear to clean the house and then wear to cocktail party The Popover Dress sold for 6 95 as well as over 75 000 were sold in the first season alone The Popover Dress received a citation from the American Fashion Critics Association She won a Coty Award in the year of 1943 Influences and their designs She was the first designer who bring us thin strapped evening gowns zippers as well as ballet flats Included simple and mix match sportswear Her influence in Townley also increases She became a partner in the company in 1952 She got a woman of the year Award from the Women's National Press Club In 1990 the Life Magazine named McCardell Claire one of the hundred most important Americans of the twentieth century A year later she was inducted into the Maryland Women's Hall of Fame Some fashion designers such as Isaac Mizrahi Norma Kamali Donna Karan Calvin Klein etc they all are influenced by the McCardell Claire McCardell Claire s styles innovations and influences on her fashion are as follow For evening wear McCardell Claire used jersey calico cotton voiles as well as rayon and calico seersucker McCardell Claire gave preference to utilize the easy and accessible fasteners in clothing like from zippers to toggles and to rope McCardell Claire used the idea of separates in the colors that were coordinated as well as creating the endless configurations which was revolutionary due to its economy and practicality In the year of 1956 she wrote a book What Shall I Wear which became popular

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