327This essay analyses the various actors to the conflict key issues actor s positions and interest and options and roadmap to overcome the conflict __________________________________ 1 The Syrian conflict A system conflict analysis ARK Group DMCC 2016 2 Golden Opportunity Missed Syria Peace Talks Falter Again NICK CUMMING BRUCEDEC 3 Latest Syria peace talks in Astana focus on humanitarian issues Assel Sanubaldina November 2017 4 Radio farad news September 14 2017 Sixth round of Syria peace talks begins in Astana 5 The diploma Catherine Putz July 2017 fifth round of Astana talks end without agreement 6 THE PEACE TALKS ON THE SYRIAN CONFLICT MAIN DEVELOPMENTS AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE VIENNA 2015 AND GENEVA III 2016 MEETINGS Douglas de Quadros Rocha42 Isabela Souza Julio43 Patrícia Graeff Machry44 2 Actors Analysis and Relationship Mapping 2 1 Local Actors 2 2 Pro Regime Actors 2 2 1 Syrian Government Syria government has consistently considered itself as defender against domestic terrorists This became more prevail with the existence of ISIS as al Assad government has sought to establish itself as protector of Syrian people against Islamic State Syrian regime allies are Russian Hezbollah Iranian governments and which support the regime financially militarily and politically Syria regime enjoys close relationship with China and Iraq There exist Socio Economic Loyalist Elites and religion minorities with special ties to Assad s family These are Shia Isma ili Alawites and various Christian minorities which organised self defence by sponsoring NDF groups 2 2 2 Pro Regime Military Actors Syrian Armed Forces SAF largest organised force comprises of army air force and a small nervy which provide
The Syrian Democratic Forces SDF coalition of Christian Arab Kurdish Syrian and Turkmen groups It was built in late 2015 by U S recruitment of Syrian Arab Coalition to fight side by side with YPG and other local militias SDF is in conflict with ISIS FSA and the regime It enjoys very good relationship with U S A It is in discord with Turkey since Turkey considers SDF a terrorist organisation due to its ties with Kurdistan Workers Party PKK 2 4 Islamist Actors ISIS it is known for its political ambitions indiscriminate killing of civilians brutality and savvy the use media It is hostile toward all other entity that does not subscribe to its interpretation It wants to create a global caliphate ISIS is a common enemy and in conflict to almost all actors in the conflict particularly the range of opposition actors Kurdish groups and Syrian regime ISIS presence in Syria has influence disproportionately international actors positions on the conflict __________________ 9 The Free Syrian Army A decentralised insurgent brand Charles Lister November 2016 10 Mapping Southern Syria's Armed Opposition Osama al Koshak October 2015 11 Ibid 12 Stanford s Mapping Militants Project s Profile of the Southern Front 2010 2017 HTTP WEB STANFORD EDU GROUP MAPPINGMILITANTS CGI BIN GROUPS VIEW 645 13 Ibid 14 The road to Ar Raqqah Background on the Syrian democratic forces Genevieve Casagrande November2016 15 Ibid