Essay Example on Bangladesh Election Commission









As Bangladesh is an Islamic country and women were an important citizen of the country And for making sure that all voter is on the list In data collecting process government gives importance to privacy and religion value of women For this purpose special women were hired and provide training to them A separate area was used for women to make them comfortable during taking their picture Islam and Gronlund 2010 p 196 The most important factor of this project was working of multiple stockholders with Bangladesh Election Commission it is very important for project to involve multiple people because technician cannot resolve all the problems for example in case of India id card the project was technological biased and head of the project was a technician he was not able to resolve social issue of illegal immigration of people Ramakuma 2010 p 161 So in this case stakeholders were an important pillar for successful implementation of the project Most of them were involved in huge awareness comparing and were very motivated for example as I already mention from religion sensitivity point of view masjid imam were also involve in this project and they were providing awareness to women that it is important to provide their picture for the identity card Asia Foundation develops a group name election working group in which 32 NGO were 

Woking together for providing awareness and motivation to women and to come out from their home for registration Islam and Gronlund 2010 p 196 Acceptance and participation of the citizen in the project are very important The project social goal was to provide awareness to the citizen that why their participation is important And it was a huge pressure to convince the citizen to participate in a project Because in 2005 project was a failure because of not participation of citizen and almost 76 or less than 76 of the target population was on the list Soban et al 2004 For this reason to handle this issue two communication teams were built They were working together One was working under UNDP and another was working with GOB funding They develop a strategy and use print and electronic media to provide awareness about why citizen need to provide their information After completion of this project what would be a benefit to the citizen They also create an album and short documentaries which provide complete information on registration process UNDP 2009 p 13

After huge awareness program people of Bangladesh were ready to accept the project It was clear that all voter was on the list Islam and Gronlund 2010 p 197 Role of UNDP was very remarkable for this project UNDP was working with Bangladesh since1996 so they were highly interested in this project and put all their efforts to make this project successful So they start working with Bangladesh election commission to provide technical and operational help for complete voter list UNDP also plays an important role to provide communication between BEC and other organizations to make the relationship strong UNDP 2009 In Bangladesh case one important thing I observe is that it is very important to learn from your mistakes From start to end of project they were trying to improve all factor which were the reason of failure in past for example in 1995 BEC tried to work on a project without the help of any donor and technician to provide voter list for 1996 election and the total budget for this project was 1 87 billion Soban et al 2004 However this project was not successful and it was a huge loss of money Akram and Das 2007 BEC learn from their experience and they were highly motivated for successful implementation of the project than they decided to involve donor in the project Nine international donors were in this project UNDP 2009 

They were responsible to fund the project from July 1 2007 to June 30 2010 and before the election So it was huge pressure on the government to complete the project on time Islam and Gronlund 2010 p 194 For tackling this pressure there was complete monitoring of progress and all this monitoring were documented on paper and video UNDP 2009 p 22 Political support is one of important success factor of this project as from history it was very difficult to conduct fair election because of not motivated leaders corruption Hossan et al 2006 To handle this situation Army take charge as a government to handle unbalance democracy Islam and Gronlund 2010 p 194 Bangladesh army was an experience of working on many difficult projects so they involve in the project from planning to the distribution of id cards Provide technical and operational services for example training to the operator binding of id card list the providence of equipment make the project successful UNDP 2009 p 20 So it is very clear that strong and motivated leader can make the project successful

As this project was considered the biggest success in Bangladesh history but it is very difficult to implement this project in the weak democratic country As from history from 1971 Bangladesh try to make the registration process for id card but each time it causes failure due to unstable democracy But when army take over as government PERP project become successful Islam and Gronlund 2010 It is very clear that success of this project was the highly political environment as well as collaboration between UNDP Civil society and citizens However there are many developing countries which have a weak democratic government and every country has different problems and political conditions and cultures like Nigeria which is divided into two major ethnic groups and they are fighting with each other Handley 2010 So in case this project is implemented in Nigeria than support from citizen and political support is a major concern For that s why context is important in Bangladesh case

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