3372For example a girl kicked him in the groin at school one day without being provoked His parents punished him anyway when they were informed by the school Joseph was also held at knife point while being sexually abused by some of his older classmates at 11 years old At 13 he followed in his abusers footsteps by recommitting the act on another boy at knife point At 15 he starts having a more normal life He got a girlfriend made some new friends and left his home to escape his abusive parents However at the same time he was making these positive changes some negative ones were also taking place At one point Joseph had thought God told him that he needed to heal and save people through their feet He started conducting hidden experiments because of this He and his girlfriend got married when he was 17 but she fell in love with another man when he turned 20 years old He got married another time two years later and had a few kids with this new wife He abused these children in a similar manner to how he was abused as a child His children attempted to run away on many occasions but each time they were caught and severely punished For example when his oldest daughter was captured he branded her with a hot iron He was eventually arrested for child abuse after three of his children reported him to the police Unfortunately for his children his sentence didn t save them Four years of probation and psychiatric treatment was all that was required Once home he drowned one of his sons Joey for reporting him to the police Eventually he started including Michael one of his other sons in his crimes Together they broke into homes and sexually abused people as well as killing some of them He showed some mental issues in court like claiming he was the Son of God but also was incarnated as a butterfly once He was also prone to hallucinations one of them being a floating head named Charlie Greenlief et al His son Michael Kallinger was sentenced to some time in a correctional facility but overall his actions were determined to be his father s fault Michael was released and now lives a normal life with a new identity Visser On November 4 1905 Nancy Hazle otherwise known as Nannie Doss was born to James and Lou Hazle in Blue Mountain Alabama