335Beginning King Louis XVI had depleted the royal treasury and multiple years of cattle disease drought and insufficient harvests as well as inflated bread prices had ignited unease among the poor After virtually going bankrupt the French regime requested for Charles Alexandre de Calonne to create a solution The tax reform he proposed did not exempt the nobles from taxation To gain support for the reform the king summoned the Estates General May 4 1789 The reforms suggested infuriated the aristocrats the implementations the third state also advocated for did nothing to quell the rising temper of elite Subsequently following the meeting s return from adjournment the third estate representatives attempted to return to the conference room but was impeded by a locked door This act prompted an epiphany for the rejected estate they were the majority why were they allowing themselves to be subjected to this behavior These revelations encouraged the bourgeois to create the National Assembly During June 14 1789 was a monumental date for the revolution since it marked the first major transgression against the monarchy
The National Assembly locked their eyes on Bastille Fortress to gain access to the plethora of ammo and the extensive weapons cache stored inside After a day of the armed rioters assault the prison of Bastille was seized by the revolutionaries The general leading the defense of Bastille ordered a ceasefire to avoid his troops being massacred despite this he was still beaten and decapitated his head placed on a pike and paraded around the city as a trophy to symbolize their triumph The French king Louis XVI was executed early 1793 for his crimes against the people The Reign of Terror was the time period that followed the king's demise it took place between June 1793 and July 1794 This event was triggered by the Jacobins a radical group of insurgents that removed control from the moderates in the National Convention During these years the callous ratifications instituted caused lawlessness chaos at least 16 594 people were killed by guillotine June 2 1793 Jacques Roux and Jacques Hebert gained control of the Convention They composed political and administrative purifications and established a low fixed price for bread The first constitution the French Constitution of 1793 or Constitution of the Year 1 was progressive for its time facilitating universal male suffrage and other aspects but it was never taken into effect due to the legal processes being suspended On August 22 1795 the government was altered again this time to a bicameral legislature The Directoire a five member directory appointed by Parliament would hold the executive power However following the trends of the previous French revolutionary governments corruption permeated throughout the Directoire s four year reign By the late 1790s the Directoire was completely dependent on the military to preserve their semblance of authority Nonetheless November 9 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup d'etat and appointed himself as consul
People started getting paid for the work they did and could afford the bare minimum required to sustain life Other countries switched to representative based governments from fear such as Spain Austria Holland etc Influential Figures King Louis XVI reigned as King of France between September 4 1791 and September 21 1792 He was influential because he deregulated the grain market which in turn made bread prices go through the roof and when harvests were bad food scarcity was common and the poor would revolt against King Louis XVI He also signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783 His reign ended when the monarchy system was overthrown and he was executed by guillotine Napoleon Bonaparte ruled with Jean Jacques and Charles Francois Lebrun from November 10th 1799 to May 18th 1804 when Napoleon ruled france by himself as a dictator Napoleon influenced many parts of the world with his Napoleonic code such as the Netherlands and Belgium and he may be responsible for modern day Germany He died May 5th 1821 Robespierre ruled over the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror Robespierre executed over 40 000 he assumed did not agree with his or the revolution s ideas The Committee of Public Safety took other measures to control French society Robespierre called this the Republic of Virtue He tried to de Christianize France but failed due to the overwhelming amount of Catholics He was later guillotined for treason in 1794