Essay Example on Bertie County Hive House's Intergenerational Program









Proposal Summary Thee Bertie County Hive House's Intergenerational Program Bridging the Generation Gap is a group based intervention strategy to reduce the likelihood of child maltreatment increase healthy living for teens and senior citizens by partnering teens and senior citizens to meet the needs by the use of and extended family The Intergenerational Program Bridging the Gap strive to prevent the maltreatment of children by strengthening the family relationships through the use of foster grandparents Educating families that children exposed to strong extended families not only help the children in our community but provide a support system for those senior citizen whose children are no longer in their household Single parents and couples married with no relatives in the immediate area but can't afford after school programs for impressionable teens benefits from a strong and safe extended family member who s support while they are at work gives them the peace of mind to work knowing that their teens are being mentored by responsible older adults who have been screen and are enrolled in the Bridging The Gap Intergenerational program 

The Bertie County Hive House Bridging the Gap Program will partner with The Albemarle Regional Health Department The Bertie County Department of Social Services The Bertie County Department of Juvenile Justice and The Bertie County Council on Aging Food and Nutrition Program working to provide Evidenced based activities or any other organized intergenerational activities for single couples married couples youth and senior citizens The Bertie County Hive House Intergenerational Program Bridging the Generation Gap provided these services for two years until state funding was redirected to other programs in the state The Bertie County Hive House requested of 150 000 00 to fund the Intergenerational Program Bridging the Generation Gap Empowering families to improve the health and wellness of the Bertie County Community by partnering teens with senior citizens in the community Bertie County has no public transportation Those in need of services such as access to food pantries groceries stores pharmacy have to travel 30 miles to the county seat or an additional 18 miles to Wal mart in the next towns The seniors depend upon relatives to transport them The majority of targeted individuals who are in need of these services lack access to transportation establishing a satellite site of services at the Bertie County Hive House that will provide a diabetes food pantry as well as the Bridging program with seniors and teens working together to build their individual health and wellness 

The Bertie County Hive House will provide a personalized and tailored menu of services and activities to be provided through in collaboration with community partners The Bertie County Hive House Intergenerational Program Bridging the Gap will provide certified Diabetes Educators and n Individual certified to use the Triple P Parenting Curriculum after school activities for younger sister and brothers as well as other activities for the community Educators will meet at the Hive at various times each week implementing the curriculum There are four session three times per week Each G A P or Generational Awareness Peers consisting of teens seniors and their parents will take a pre and post test or inventory before starting the program The program consists of class time trips community service projects and volunteer work in the food pantry All parents with children will have an opportunity to participate in the parent education program offered by the center The youth of today are our country's future for tomorrow Youth need to develop the interpersonal and communication skills necessary for healthy relationships that are based on respect for themselves and for others The Bridging the Generation Gap Program will provide the students with these toots at the Bertie County Hive House This program strives to develop young individuals who are able to effectively communicate and to develop skills for building healthy tomorrows because the activities target teen at the high school and middle school those couples or individuals underage will be required to have signed consent forms from their parents and individuals guardians

The staff will also sign a confidentiality packet to make sure that client confidentiality is maintained to the greatest extent possible Needs Assessment Bertie County is 36 senior citizen and 27 teens The Family is an institution that preserves this culture It is imperative that Bertie County and especially the youth understand the positive facts about the contributions made by our senior population Bertie County has one of highest rates of juvenile and senior diabetes as well as juvenile and senior obesity This is an opportunity to take our natural human resources the seniors and the youth combine them and build a healthier community Project Design Bridging the Generation Gap Intergenerational Program Group Based session will occur four times per week at the Bertie County Hive House At each session the participants will meet at the satellite site four two hours learn a new concept regarding self relationship skill building 1 Targeted Population The targeted populations that will be served by this program are senior citizens youth between the ages of 14 and 18 senior citizens parents and siblings Organizational Capacity The Bertie County Hive House provides support to families to remove barriers that may lead to the neglect and abuse of children The Hive is being mentored by the North Carolina Initiative and supported by the Town of Lewiston and the Community Our mission is to strengthen families by providing tools for parents to improve their parenting skills and opportunities to increase their employability and to provide a safe and stable environment for children while their parents are working We believe that every child deserves a home environment free from exposure to risk factors that may cause them not to succeed in life

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