Essay Example on Bibliology is the study of the Bible








Bibliology is the study of the Bible The word bibliology comes from the greek word biblos meaning book And logos Greek for word or dialogue So the Bible is the beginning of all other theological studies As Christians we believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God The Bible is the basis of the Christin faith and life The objective of Bibliology is to provide an approach for studying the Bible that produces an accurate and true understanding of Scripture It shows us that it is breathed out by God and the words therefore are inerrant God brings meaning to the Bible as we are reading it and ask Him to make it clear to us what He is saying second Timothy 3 16 17 is a very key passage in bibliology it says 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness 17 that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work In these verses we see that Paul is reminding Timothy that all Scripture is God breathed And in second Peter 1 20 it says that 20 knowing this first of all that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone s own interpretation So if man does not hold the Bible in high regard as the true inspired and inerrant Word of God and if they fail to handle it properly then they will turn to other sources as their authority Therefore if we do not hold to the Bible as the complete sufficient and adequate rule of faith the will reject the

Bible s truth and if we do we miss its message of salvation and deliverance from sin So it offers to them in the person Jesus Christ In John chapter 8 verse 32 it says 32 and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free So if our view of the Bible is inadequate we will handle the Bible handle the Bible accordingly Litfin A D 1985 2 Timothy In J F Walvoord R B Zuck Eds The Bible Knowledge Commentary An Exposition of the Scriptures Vol 2 p 757 Wheaton IL Victor Books The Holy Bible English Standard Version 2016 2 Ti 3 16 17 Wheaton IL Crossway Bibles The Holy Bible English Standard Version 2016 2 Pe 1 20 Wheaton IL Crossway Bibles The Holy Bible English Standard Version 2016 Jn 8 32 Wheaton IL Crossway Bibles We need to recognize that the doctrine of bibliology the doctrine of the Scriptures is a vital and fundamental doctrine In fact so important is this truth that one of the battle cries of the reformers was sola Scriptura Scripture only To the reformers this meant the church should not preach teach command or practice anything contrary to the written Scriptures of the biblical canon So what is the canon The canon of scripture is a combination of books and letters that make up the scripture This helps us decide what is good theology and what is not So how do we now that the bible is the inspired Word of God We see that there is prophecies fulfilled in all 66 books witch are written by many different people over many centuries Archeologist Have found many things the Bible describes And the many changes the Word of God has had on those who have trusted it and believed in it over the ages For example the bible has predicted hundreds of years in advance that Jesus would be born a virgin in Isaiah 7 14 14

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel therefore we see that the Bible isn t just some book The Bible is a detailed book without conflict or error With such accuracy it helps us provide evidence of the nature of the Bible and it supports the Bible s own claims that it is the inspired Word of God So Bibliology is made up go six things being 1 Revelation 2 Inspiration 3 Inerrancy 4 Canonicity 5 Illumination and 6 Interpretation so in closing we see again in second Timothy 3 16 17 that 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness 17 that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work The Coming Evangelical Crisis John H Armstrong general editor Moody Press Chicago 1996 p 19 Bibliology The Doctrine of the Written Word 2009 J Hampton Keathley III The Holy Bible English Standard Version 2016 Is 7 14 Wheaton IL Crossway Bibles The Holy Bible English Standard Version 2016 2 Ti 3 16 17 Wheaton IL Crossway Bibles

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