Essay Example on Blade Runner 2049 is not only one of the greatest Movies









Blade Runner 2049 is not only one of the greatest movies to be released in 2017 but one of the greatest movies in the sci fi genre Not only does this movie pay respects to the 1982 original film Blade Runner but it manages to carry an interesting and compelling story as a stand alone movie The film is backed with amazing characters fantastic performances and beautiful production design The film manages to insert you into the bleak and near future that has captivate audiences ever since Ridley Scott captured the world in Blade Runner Director Denis Villeneuve and writers Hampton Fancher and Michael Green manage to carry Ridley Scott s original masterpiece to a new level handling such a fragile film with care and consideration The original Blade Runner is considered one of the greatest films of all time It showed the audiences of 1982 a different type of sci fi than they were used to The film change the grene from being a colorful space adventure to a bleak realistic world with violence and corruption around every tightly packed city corner Blade Runner 2049 continues with this theme of a darker world with dark Los Angeles sykes constant rainy days and the dark side of technology The feel of the film itself makes you believe that this future could exist The production design of both Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 put the viewer into this future that is not a dystopia but hardly a utopia It shows the near future as what it could really be as opposed to other films like Star Wars that show an idealised version of the future Blade Runner 2049 produces three dimensional complex and emotional characters that you will come to love Ryan Gosling brings the character to life with his performance as 

K a replicant Blade Runner for the LAPD His job alone changes the complexities that K must face on an everyday basis For starters he is a replicant an android built as cheap labor and made to look and act as a normal human However his job as an LAPD officer and a Blade Runner makes him hunt down rogue replicants and retire them This itself bring forth conflict in K s mind as he is forced to hunt down his own kind However as this film is a sequel the classic character of Rick Deckard returns along with Harrison Ford who managed to captivate audiences in the original Blade Runner One of the most surprising performances in the film is by Cuban actress Ana de Armas who plays K s holographic artificial girlfriend Joi The character manages to show what is a computer program built to be whatever the owner desires as a real loving companion for K The viewer will have trouble realising that his is indeed a computer and not a real live woman However there is one piece of the cast that I must say does not live up to the original Blade Runner 

That is the film's villain Niander Wallace played by Jared Leto Don t get me wrong Leto's performance as the blind genius and brilliant corporate giant is excellent He manages to send shivers down the viewer s spine with every raspy word His constant blind gaze manages to be both captivating and slightly disturbing However the original Blade Runner gave birth to one of the greatest villains ever created Roy Batty Roy played by the brilliant Rutger Hauer in his breakout performance was a replicant that went rogue along with a few others to try and extend their life past four years What made Roy such a compelling villain is that he was not innately evil Even though me might have been slightly insane and did indeed kill people the viewer still sympathized with him He was a man trying to live his life past what was assigned In contrast to Leto's character Wallace is seen as a man that is simply supposed to be the bad guy Be however positive his motivations may seem he is just the villain and it is difficult to see where he is coming from He simply wants to build slaves faster but Roy wanted to live past his death sentence Blade Runner 2049 overall as a film is very strong The film includes captivating characters a production design that brings the world alive and a thick overarching story Frankly speaking its few shortcomings of an unsympathetic villain occasional slow pacing and long run time are overshadowed by what makes the film so great Not sine Mad Max Fury Road has a sequel to an older film gone so well Ever since those two films the bar has been set for sequels that should be strong enough to stand on their own Blade Runner 2049 as a film makes me hopeful for other planned sequels to come

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