Booker T Washington is one of the most controversial individuals of color and black history This is due to his beliefs that if blacks wanted to be accepted in society they needed to go to school and work to earn their rights In this report I'll discuss Washington's childhood how he came to the belief and how he contributed to the Civil Rights Movement Booker Taliaferro Washington was born a slave in April of 1856 He was born in Virginia to a slave mother and white father who he would never know Booker and his family live in a room cabin on the Burroughs family property As a young slave he did chores on the farm as many slave children did in those times In 1865 the slaves on the burroughs farm learned that they were free Booker later said The Emancipation Proclamation made us men instead of property Months later Booker and his family moved with his stepfather in West Virginia They still lived poorly and Booker and his brother worked in a salt mine along with their stepfather Booker wanted to learn to read and write after seeing a young black man who came into town to read the newspaper every day
His mom gave him a spelling book semicolon and he told himself the alphabet Booker was Eagle to go to school but was for bed by his stepfather semicolon but they came to an agreement so Booker could work and go to school Booker went on to work for General Lewis and Viola Ruffner He became very close with Miss Mrs Ruffner He learned a lot from her that everything had to be neat and done a certain way This was who Booker learned his OCD ways from She also taught Booker how to read and encouraged Booker to start saving books for his own Library Booker went on to work for Mrs Ruffner on and off period while working at a coal mine he overheard some miners speak about the Hampton normal and agricultural Institute in Virginia Book of Shirley made it to Hampton Institute He worked as a janitor and was an above average student He graduated early and decided he wanted to be a teacher Booker returned back to Malden to teach It wasn't long before he was asked to teach that Hampton Institutes He started a night school and was very successful He left Hampton soon after Victor went on to start his own College in Tuskegee Alabama He had to work hard and diligence get it on its feet With many donations and labor done by the students Tuskegee Institute opened in 1881
The school was ran like Hampton Institute semicolon cleanliness uniform inspections students had to brush their teeth and have their hair combed However overtime the curriculum would change allowing students to learn more trade skills Booker was asked to speak at the Atlantic arts and exhibition in 1895 In his speech Booker encouraged blacks and whites to work together semicolon benefiting their races and the economy The speech was widely received by the audience However Booker speech to see backlash from many Northern activist who disagreed with his theory many who still believed African Americans had equal rights as whites and one of those rights right then This brought an even further divided in the country There were violent incidents happening and through it all Washington remained diligent He would quietly fight in justices for people of color semicolon thumb he was successful at and others would not so successful He enjoyed his own and justices at this time semicolon which helps him to become more vocal of the Injustice is done to blacks With all that Washington have going on he remains faithful to Tuskegee Institute up until his death in 1915 His life Legacy was to show that people of color could achieve and obtain Great Character and a better life through not only academic education semicolon but just as important agricultural education Blackfoot live better lives by being more self reliant and grow businesses In my opinion Booker T Washington was ahead of his time I think he knew that America would never truly be equal for African American semicolon so he was giving them an opportunity to easily get education and skills to better themselves And bettering themselves other races with me their business and they make a living for themselves and their families
However many people opposed this idea The influence Booker T Washington had on the Civil Rights Movement was his legacy of education and to fight non violent with your character The Civil Rights Movement was about making change semicolon but doing it with dignity and showing that blacks just wanted the same freedoms as the whites served as a challenge A challenge Booker was ready to take on In conclusion Booker T Washington to be a leader for the black community semicolon and was one of the most controversial leaders as well He believed if given a chance blacks would benefit not only themselves but the American economy as well
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"Booker T Washington is one of the most controversial individuals of color and black history" Noplag, 22 Jan 2025,
"Booker T Washington is one of the most controversial individuals of color and black history". Noplag, Apr 26, 2020. Accessed: January 22, 2025.
"Booker T Washington is one of the most controversial individuals of color and black history" Noplag, 22 Jan 2025,
"Booker T Washington is one of the most controversial individuals of color and black history" Noplag, 26-Apr-2020. [Online]. Availible: . [Accessed: 22-Jan-2025]
Noplag. (2020). Booker T Washington is one of the most controversial individuals of color and black history26-Apr-2020. . [Online]. Availible at: [Accessed: 22-Jan-2025]
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Noplag. Booker T Washington is one of the most controversial individuals of color and black history [Internet]. April 2020. [Accessed January 22, 2025.]; Availible from: