Essay Example on Bullying is a misuse of Power








Bullying Bullying is a misuse of power through repeated verbal physical and social behavior that causes physical and psychological harm Bullying can happen in person or online Bullying involves two people a bully and a victim A bully is responsible for bullying Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior using force to affect others Bullying is a pattern of humiliating others Bullying is based on imbalance of power Any form of aggressive behavior that is repeated intended to cause harm and characterized by an imbalance of power and is hidden out of sight of or unacknowledged by adults Covert bullying includes behaviors linked to social aggression relational aggression and indirect aggression including bullying by means of technology where the bullying behavior is either unwitnessed or not addressed by an adult Cross et al 2009 p 22 Verbal bullying which includes name calling or insulting someone about physical characteristics such as their weight or height or other attributes including race sexuality culture or religion Physical bullying which includes hitting or hurting someone or damaging or stealing their belongings Social bullying which includes consistently excluding another person or sharing information or images that will have a harmful effect on the other person Cyber bullying

Cyber is related to the culture of computers information technology and virtual reality Bullying can happen in online settings In recent years a new form of aggression or bullying has emerged labeled cyber bullying in which the aggression occurs through modern technological devices and specifically mobile phones or the internet Research on this topic is still at an early stage of investigation the phenomenon only appeared a few years ago as the use of electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones by young people has increased Cyber bullying is the technological extension of bullying Cyber bullying is any bullying done using technology Cyber bullies typically harass their victims repeatedly It can be posting rumors about a friend or classmate online to publishing texts photos or threats on social network This form of bullying can undetected because of lack of supervision Cyber bullying includes abuse using email instant messaging text messaging websites social networking sites etc With the creation of social networks like Facebook Instagram and Twitter cyber bullying has increased Cyber bullying is facilitated with the use of technology and electronic communication Victims of cyberbullying can suffer from a range of issues including lowered self esteem depression fear anger and frustration

Cyber bullies do not have to be strong or fast they just need access to a cell phone or computer and a desire to terrorize Cyber bullying Includes Posting statements online that are unkind or not true Sending or posting pictures that are not yours to share Making negative comments online about someone Cyberbullying can be defined as the use of modern communication technologies cell phones computers chat rooms e mails and messages to embarrass humiliate threaten or intimidate an individual in the attempt to gain power and control over them Stutzky Glenn M S W Cyber bullying is any cyber communication or publication posted or sent by a minor online by instant messenger e mail website diary site online profile interactive game handheld device cell phone or other interactive device that is intended to frighten embarrass harass or otherwise target another minor Aftab Parry 2006 

Cyberbullying cyber harassment and cyber stalking are new behaviors that are categorized under bullying and they are quickly spreading throughout the World Cyber bullying can be defined as the use of modern communication technologies cell phones computers chat rooms emails and messages to embarrass humiliate threaten or intimidate an individual in the attempt to gain power and control over them Cyber harassment is Defined as threatening or harassing email messages instant messages or to blog entries or websites dedicated solely to tormenting an individual

Cyber stalking is defined as the use of the Internet email or other electronic communications to stalk and generally refers to a pattern of threatening or malicious behaviors All three behaviors will be categorized under the title of cyber bullying Statement of Problem The statement of the problem is what a massive impact that cyber bullying has in the life of youth and that we need to stop it in our society Many people don't know how to face it The trauma of social networking sites and messaging apps is that anything posted about you can be seen by lots of people and these posts can go viral very fast and shared by so many people within minutes in some cases Victims often have difficulty concentrating on their school work and may experience a decline in academic performance They have trouble making social and emotional adjustments difficulty making friends and poor relationships with classmates As technology advances and social interaction becomes increasingly with cyberspace cyber bullying will continue to be a critical issue for youth Those who faces bullying are more likely to face increased depression anxiety anger posttraumatic stress alcohol use and low grades Cyber bullying damages confidence and self esteem Cyber bullying does not just happen on a screen It can reach out and spread into the non virtual world Not only does cyberbullying cause psychological damage to the victim but it can cause physical damage as well

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