Essay Example on Cancer is a neutral cell that can kill any person of any age









Cancer is a neutral cell that can kill any person of any age and if cured still leaves its impression on cell Cancer is a cell that breaks a normal cell cycle by interrupting in their normal cycle of continuously developing and splitting Cancer is sometimes a genetic disorder or family heredity or sometimes it's just related to some cancerous cells it's the defect in the cell which is caused by abnormal growth and more number of multiplication of cells compared to expected It starts as just a small cell and ends up creating a mass of unusual cells which is then called a tumor Here we are discussing sporadic cancer today Sporadic cancer is not family heredity it s the inherited change in DNA caused by some cancerous cells 

Carcinogens that cause cancer is cigarette smoke tobacco smoke radon gas mustard gas ultraviolet radiation diet etc CIGARETTE SMOKE Cigarette has some harmful chemicals like nicotine which is when consumed or inhaled can cause cancer Most people smoke because the chemical present in it gives them relaxation Smoking can affect our lungs mouth esophagus pharynx and even stomach and liver This cancerous chemical nicotine when smoked often a day causes a change in DNA and can lead a cell to become cancerous which causes a high risk of cancer PROPER DIET Some products with high calories or high fats and high sugars like a small drink of coca-cola contains 55 g of sugar which has carvings to cause cancer Some products like bacon or sausage or beef or pork or soft drinks causes cancer because they used some harmful chemicals like HCAs and PAHs to cook them at high temperatures Like some antioxidants which is used to prevent any bacterial growth can also affect the change in DNA and cause cancer 

This can cause in stomach liver pancreas and much more ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Alcohol is made up of some harmful chemicals like acetaldehyde which has carcinogen in it causes cancer when consumed Alcohol can cause any cancer just like cigarette Alcohol is made through fermentation such as hydrocarbons or phenols which contains oxygen in them which is more than enough to affect a DNA to become cancerous ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION Sun causes UV radiation is caused because of the depletion of ozone layer Ultraviolet radiation is caused due to exposure to sun When you are too much exposed to the sun can cause damage in our genetic material UV radiation causes skin cancer so it affects our DNA as skin cells start dividing as abnormal cell 

What I can do to stay away some cancer is the adaption to healthy habits Like to become a health-conscious person following a healthy diet with low calories like juice fresh and healthy vegetables and fruits like celery asparagus etc By not eating anything of high fats and calories like soft drinks or lays or potato wedges or French fries Staying away from sun or going out in summer with some good damage skin relief cream or something I would also like to avoid less consumption of alcohol In my case I do not smoke but I drink alcohol like whiskeys and beer more So mainly I would like to stop drinking alcohol as its fermented and also cancer in my body or yes I would also like to be away from any nicotine consumption or drugs So I would like to follow some healthy habits like getting up in bed early without any laziness doing some jogging or exercise or yoga having healthy breakfast with cereals milk fruits or juices 

Doing my work properly on time without being in hurry or tension Keeping myself away from pollution and causing gas or other hazardous chemicals Performing labs with safety and using chemicals in a proper manner I have a live example in my family who has gone through this sporadic cancer I know the pain he suffered from So this is something motivational for me that I do not want in my life Back in my country INDIA like 2 years back my grandfather suffered from neck cancer when he was around 75 when he suffered from this pain as he had consumed a large a very large amount of cigarette he uses to smoke a lot since he was 25 to 30 around He was not smoking often when he was young but then day by day it became his habit and he never tried to stop smoking or quit smoking through all family members used to tell him And this was not family heredity as he is the first person in our family to be a cancer patient it was not inherited from any member

He was not able to eat anything as the whole esophagus was covered with a clump of the cancerous cell so we took him for a check-up and through a screening test, we came to know that he is suffering from neck cancer in his first stage He was lucky to be caught up in his first stage to we went for radiation therapy to cure him There were about 12 radiation therapy he went through during his therapy he was not able to eat any food just the water and juice can go through his neck and his whole neck skin got burnt and turned black But thanks to god he was then cured carefully with proper treatment and diet But the bad thing is he never quit smoking After the treatment was done he stopped smoking for some months as there were chances to happen again but after a year he started smoking And he is not ready to listen to anybody PEDIGREE https www google ca search biw 1366 bih 662 tbm isch sa 1 ei 3SBTWtTyOoHfjgSD06mYCg q pedigree of cancer family of pedigree o f cance

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