Essay Example on Cancer is a very complicated and diverse Disease








Cancer is a very complicated and diverse disease making it a very difficult illnesses to treat There are many types of cancer each different and unique In order to effectively treat any disease one must first understand how it works In a healthy body as cells grow old or become damaged they die and new healthy cells take their place However when cancer develops this process is dangerously altered Instead of the old defective cells dying off they continue to live These mutated cells continue to reproduce passing on their altered DNA and new cells aren't made to replace them These clusters of extra cells can form solid masses of tissue called tumors Cancers of the blood however generally do not create solid tumors as in the cause of leukemia What makes cancer so difficult to treat is the fact that each cell is different Cancer cells are heterogeneous even within the same tumor makes it all that much more difficult What this means is that you can get 5 different types of cells that have become cancerous multiplying within the same tumor all with different mutations

As cancer cells reproduce genetic mutations increase allowing duplication deletions inversions and insertions of DNA to the gnome In addition to this cancerous tumors are malignant allowing them to invade nearby tissues Cancer cells can break away from the tumor and spread to further parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems to create new tumors The rapid rate that cancer cells reproduce poses another challenge for treatment as it can make it nearly impossible to destroy all the cells Current cancer treatments are not very effective because of these reasons Cancer cells often manage to evade or even suppress the immune system preventing the body from being able to fight it off All of these things make cancer treatments complicated and inefficient This is why a treatment that can successfully kill off multiple types of cancer is so desperately needed Current cancer treatments include surgery radiation therapy chemotherapy immunotherapy targeted therapy hormone therapy and stem cell transplant These current therapies are not effective for most cancers and in many cases cause severe damage to the healthy tissues On top of that the side effects can at times be worse than the disease itself Radiation and chemotherapy treatments cause healthy cell death which causes severe side effects such as hair loss fatigue nausea vomiting blurred vision swelling severe pain and infertility to list a few It is commonly known that a patient's mental health greatly impacts their recovery When quality of life has been diminished so severely it causes seriously concerns for patient s mental health and thus for their physical health as well The side effects of current cancer therapies may extend a person's life and reduce the risks of cancer returning however the side effects affect are nearly as damaging to the person's quality of life 

This is why more effective and safer treatments need to be found and the answer is in nature Cancer and tumor cells evade growth suppression signals they evade programmed cell death induce angiogenesis and sustain proliferative signals Over 75 of current treatments are derived from natural sources Nature has been providing treatments to human ailments for thousands of years Cultures all across the world have been using herbal remedies to combat various illnesses Currently research is focused on find new and more effective chemotherapeutic agents with little to no associate toxicity for the patient Dandelions Taraxacum Officinale is one of the most resilient garden weeds out there but it is also one of the most powerful medicinal plants available Coming from the Asteracaea family it's origins take it to Asia but it is now one of the most common plants out there and can be found almost anywhere in the world For hundreds of years dandelion root has been integrated into traditional Chinese medicine Middle Eastern remedies and Native American medicines This plant has been used in a variety of ways and to treat a multitude of ailments ranging from digestive disorders to uterine and breast tumors It has frequently been used to treat spleen and liver conditions as well as indigestion heartburn and kidney disease East Indians used it as a hepatic stimulant diuretic treat liver disorders and chronic skin diseases Site D3R2 6 Yet it is only in the last 50 years that research into this magnificent plant has really progressed Dozens of studies have been done into the medicinal benefits of dandelion root and more is being done everyday At the university of Windsor the Dandelion Root Project has entered phase 1 clinical trials on dandelion s anticancer efficacy The goal of the research is to a test dandelion root s anticancer effects on cancer cells and b identify the active components that can be used in treating cancer

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