Essay Example on Chapter 10 of the Das Kapital written by Karl Marx









Chapter 10 of the Das Kapital written by Karl Marx represents the protracted study and influences of thirty years of experience that the author has a share in relation with historical and social forces along with a Capitalist economy that shares the interaction of the individuals within and outside of trade This volume was published in the 18th century when the division between the classes was more profound and industrial labor was more terrible It must keep in mind that all Karl Marx s work in Das Kapital was to revolutionize the industrial labor and concerned system that were linked with to industries at that particular time It also accounts for the critique of a system that has established such kind of squalor for so many of the poor workers in Europe This paper will critically analyze the Karl Marx The Working Day Individuals mostly believe that labor power was sold and bought at its value as resolute by their work timings which are necessary to produce it However the number of workers needed to accomplish a particular task was not necessarily equal to the amount of the work that they have done on that specific day Most of the times that working hours exceeds of which author quoted as The time more than the necessary labor time is surplus labor 

One needs to be sure that the working was itself a mutable quantity which varies according to the quantity of excess work but it can vary within certain limits One account that there was no real or least perimeter which measure the excess of work which can be in any organization or industry The author believes that in a capitalist system by doing this surplus work there was no advantage to the employees of which he states the reason of Capitalist system and the maximum was constrained by the moral constraints and physical limitations such as the need to fulfill other responsibilities To account this matter the author believes that the capitalists have a very concise view of which he states As a capitalist he is only capital personified His soul is the soul of capital Marx and Arthur Despite that this capital s drive was to enhance the maximum work surplus value by which there were a maximum means of production of merchandise by absorbing as much surplus labor as they could Marx states that the worker was robbing the capitalist if he uses his disposable time for himself It means that the only thing that concerns the capitalist was maximum possible benefit from their employees worker s use value The majority of the experience accounts for England which was once a center of the industrial revolution and because of this revolution there was much urban degradation There were many theories in particular to economies capitalist the work day and nature of the work which in general discuss the problems which was still present in the 21st century like the economy regarding capitalism One accounts that in 

The Working Day author discusses the important theme of the class tension According to him the problems and conflict between the workers and capitalist were no a newer one because it has been continued from the past centuries in fact it was more common in the current era He believes that the history repeats itself just like the older time when the class conflict was considered as been a major debatable theme One the main reason that Marx believes tension was the asymmetry between the exchange value and use value of the labor Similarly the capitalists are on the stronger side just like in earlier times in particular economic class conflict The upper hand permits them to put more force and define what the employees will be paid Aside from that Marx believed that this upper hand does not allow them to always bargaining in perceptive to their particular interest of which these organizations believe that they have power because of capitalist dominance in the society Correspondingly these upper hand societies have what they need i e regarding the property laws which are defined to support the needs of these capitalists and such mode of manufacturing imitates the financial structure of capitalism Marx believed that such structure was going to fulfill the needs of these capitalists unless it self destructs because it was evident that these capitalists will never change or behave differently and such kind of tension would always remain among the workers and them Marx states that these capitalists have the desire to gain whatever remains and whatever they could of which he quoted as capitalists have desires to gain the surplus values

To attain their potential desires they would try to exploit the workers by not giving them the true wage to what they produce Marx quotes To survive the capitalists must exploit The main idea behind such opinion was that to overcome the problems of the minimum wage hardships and tension of the workers there was a need to welfare them band aids This wellbeing was only going to happen if the structure of the capitalism was removed from the society Marx was a firm believer for the self liberation of the employed class through the annihilation of the unfair practices of capitalism which was fecund even in 21st century One realizes that the principles of the product exchange from perceptive of both sides are equally valid from an insight of Marx To account force was not an option because this concern continued from previous centuries and throughout the history the capitalist production creates the tension between the workers and employees There was the need to highlight the economic and social inequalities that influenced onto the government pushing for fair dissemination because there was a possibility that individuals claimed to be proletariat awakening in perceptive to Marx's revolutionary theory

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