323To be able to have conductive hearing loss your ear must have an issue with the transfer of vibrations between your outer and your inner ear There may be possibility that you ll need a hearing aid so you can be able to hear better We use our mouths to have a sense of taste As we get older our taste buds will start to change Our taste buds are on our tongue We have up to two thousand through ten thousand taste buds in our mouths currently They live up to five days and start developing new ones Without our taste buds we wouldn't know the difference between what's sweet sour bitter or salty We use our nose to have a sense to smell As we get older our ability to smell will begin to fade Little known fact women have a better sense of smell compared to men especially when women become pregnant There are receptor cells that can recognize over ten thousand odors We also have the sense to touch They're caused by sensations The four basic sensations are cold warm pressure and pain We have over a thousand of nerves It will also help us control our balance which is called the vestibular system When we experience pain it's mainly from our spinal cord or nerve fibers Depending on the size of the fiber it can transport pain to the brain from your body or open or close the flow of pain from the brain To make your pain stop you can use pain killers or cause a distraction to make the pain go away by using humor or a challenge