Essay Example on Charlie Chaplin took an enormous risk when presenting his silent Film








Charlie Chaplin took an enormous risk when presenting his silent film to the public in 1931 but ever since he did City Lights has truly been a masterpiece film for filmmakers and actors everywhere It stipulates a comedy romantic and tragic film that reveals the hurdles of surviving the world s harshest scenarios City Lights takes you through a myriad of situations and emotions all while following the primary theme of the story everything is not always as it seems This thematic content reveals a truth of life that reaches any audience regardless of the time or space they are in which i believe was the intended goal of this film My first impression of the film was how much he connected with the audience from the start Chaplin gave us something to relate to from all sides of the story whether you consider yourself to be the blind woman the billionaire or the Tramp himself Chaplin gave us a chance to laugh and cry at the journey of hardships and wonderful moments that life can take us on Chaplin demonstrates the thematic content of how everything is not always as it seems by placing the Tramp and other characters of the film in situation they think they are in but in fact are not He lightly introduces this message through comedy for instance when

The Tramp accidentally eats some confetti when he thinks he is eating spaghetti when the Tramp mistakes a bald man s head for an appetizer at the millionaire s party when the Tramp replaces a man s lunch with a similar looking bar of soap which the man then eats The different situations the Tramp encounters with the other characters dramatically increase and takes the intended goal and message of the film to the next level Examples of this in the story would be when the millionaire jumps into the water believing that he is committing suicide but the noose is on the Tramp so the Tramp falls in instead how the Tramp s encounters with the flower girl leave her with the wrong impression of him she believes he is a rich man and how the police and butler wrongly accuse the tramp of burglary even though the millionaire actually gave the tramp the money The final and most significant delivery of the message of Chaplin's film is given during the last scene when the audience sees how the flower girl finally has her own flower shop thanks to the kindness of the Tramp She is no longer blind and now can truly see the world for what it is Throughout the entire film Chaplin communicates the theme of the story that things are not always what they seem gradually and effectively and it is the ironic and emotional ending of the film that truly emulates and grasps the overall intended message for the audience

The story went through many changes but because of Chaplin s choices of film edits sound effects music camera angles and shots each moment flowed into each other smoothly 

Charlie uses the classical style of silent films and although the audience couldn t hear what was going on there was enough written dialogues edits in the film to understand the story in its entirety Simple dialogues he would use are Wait for your change sir and You ll fight him What I love about the film is not only did he utilize the written dialogues in the story but he incorporated time lapse intertitles Intertitles he would show the audience were Night Afternoon Autumn etc Chaplin also utilized the effects of sound and music in his film by synchronizing the rhythm and sounds to follow the plot and the action of the main character the Tramp For example The rising action and the climax are paired with melodic high pitched sounds while the low actions are paired with melodic low pitched sounds in between the music he would play in each scene This helps to transmit the plot clearly and effectively to the audience In addition to the edits of the film and sound effects music Chaplin used different camera angles and shots and kept the camera stable throughout the entire film

The angle and shot i frequently saw were eye level angles and wide long camera shots I noticed the eye level angles would usually be used in scenes where the actors conveyed feelings of love excitement and or conflict The wide long camera shots were used in the film to express the mood the location of a scene and the physical conflict between certain characters Examples of a scene that uses both eye level angle and wide shot was the boxing scene This scene showed the physical conflict between the two characters in eye level while also evidently showing the place of where the fight took place inside a boxing arena Although there are cuts rather than zooms the feeling and the mood of a scene were transferred clearly to the audience with the different camera angles and shots In conclusion Charlie Chaplin's City Lights took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions from the thematic content and film edits to the sound effects music and finally to the camera angles and shots Throughout each downfall rising action and climax of the film Chaplin never failed to present his audience a film that would make them laugh cry and connect with the story without a hint of words being spoken Overall i can sincerely say City Lights was an amazing and endearing film to watch and I enjoyed every bit of it

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