Essay Example on Children carry out a very wide range of tasks and activities when they work









Considerable there exist differences between many kinds of work which children do Some are difficult and demanding others are more hazardous usually done in harsh environments rough and tough weather conditions most often include weight lifting work Children carry out a very wide range of tasks and activities when they work While getting involved in dangerous work Health problems may occur such as respiratory disease and a variety of cancers are common in countries where children are forced to work with abnormal people and in hostile environments However there is difference between child labour and child work All work done by children should not be classified as child labour Work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling is generally regarded as being something positive This includes activities such as helping their parents around the home assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays These kinds of activities contribute to children's development and these activities provide them with skills and experience Child labour in Pakistan Both the Constitution and Labour laws in pakistan prohibit the employment of children before the age of 14 years and declared it as illegal but who cares A new report by Risk analysis firm Maplecroft declared the 10 places Eritrea Somalia Democratic Republic of Congo Myanmar Sudan Afghanistan Pakistan Zimbabwe and Yemen where child labor is most active and increasing The main reason behind is that the cheap labour charges creates the state of hunger for hiring the child as a labour across the world 

Of course it is much cheaper for the rich families to hire unskilled child as instead of hiring trained person According to an estimate by International Labor Organization ILO poverty and illiteracy is the primary reason behind the cause of child labor Due to extreme sustainability of poverty in the country parents demand their children to work day and night in order to meet daily life expenses And the secondary reason could be that children are more obedient and much easier to control and employer can punish them if they cause some problem complain or misbehave Welfare Organization social media NGO groups are taking steps and raising the awareness among the citizens to take care of children who are suffering from poverty and have no resources to get education and are victims of child labour They are conducting many Educational training sessions and seminars at various platforms to bring awareness in public and also they give scholarship and free education to the students Though many people are playing vital role to remove this exploitation from our country as much as they can do But unfortunately there is no law enforcement organization who could take measures and monitor the implementation of child law 

This is the only reason that victims of child labour are increasing day by day in different shapes instead of decreasing Children as labor Research shows 8 to 10 million children in Pakistan are being used abused and exploited while working in various fields like agriculture illegal trading buying selling and movement textile mills industries mines in homes in technical fields such as mechanics plumbers construction workers animals worker garbage collector beggar boot shiner tea boy etc This figure is quite uncertain and high Many of these children are forced to work in their childhood due to different family problems like financial problem more number of family members poverty lack of education disable parents mentally abnormal siblings loss of parents due to conflict or disease etc Many under age children work as auto mechanic in workshops sometimes they victimize by the torture It is very common in Pakistan due to the careless implementation of Child labor law So due to increased ratio of poverty in Pakistan there is no any other way for parents to meet their expenditures except to enforce their children to do any sort of labour work either in homes or in shops Child in Home when we think of child labour most people tend to think only of children working in factories or on farms or in technical fields such as mechanics plumbers construction workers etc 

However many households use the service of children as maids in their homes who are often abused too Child labour work in home refers to situations where work is performed by children below the relevant minimum age for light work full time non hazardous work in a home of a third party owner or employer in a slavery like situation When children work as maid in third party owner s house there are many serious hazards or concerns that are linked with them all over the time such as long and tiring working days use of toxic chemicals during cleaning carrying heavy loads during shifting household items handling dangerous items of kitchen such as knives axes and hot pans insufficient or inadequate food and accommodation and humiliating or degrading treatment including physical and verbal violence and sexual abuse The risks are expected when a child lives in the household where he or she works as maid Child labor who are trapped or forced to work as maid in third party homes from childhood are likely to have had no or insufficient access to education so at last in early age being treated this way by our educated people they lose hope motivation to move forward for future Article 25 A of the Constitution says that the state now has to provide compulsory education to all children between the ages of five and sixteen years which means that a child can t be allowed to work before 16 years of age

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