Essay Example on Classroom management is an important Component









Classroom management is an important component of a student's educational experience and it impacts a teacher's professional satisfaction A conducive classroom environment however is not always the norm Teachers often times complain about students who did not submit their home assignment and projects talking and chatting with friends during class and disrespecting classmates and teachers To achieve a better or best solution to attain educational goals teachers should set classroom management strategies coupled with attainable programs Teachers should devise an attractive daily lesson plans based on the approved curricular offering devise action plans to ensure that students will stay focus on their lessons throughout the period ensure active class participation in every aspect of the learning process and see to it that each student does not lose interest on their daily routine activities Teachers have been found to be the most important factor influencing students performance and the front liners in teaching and learning process This study will focus on the classroom management of science teachers which may influence students performance in classroom situations including classroom design environment students and teachers relationships strategies of classroom management classroom aids and equipment management of students 

This study was designed to determine the factors and apply a descriptive survey method to identify the effect of classroom management of science teachers on students performance of selected public and private schools in Quezon City Establishing an effective plan for classroom management has to begin on the onset of the school year but it doesn't end there All throughout the school year developing a relationship of trust must be consistent and the best learning theories must be followed and taught Students time should be honored Teacher should also be responsive to student behaviors and needs which should be reflected in lesson plans and they should hold true to high and rigorous standards of learning behavior Teachers must create a flexible and adjust to tangles that can derail even the best management plans Obtaining good classroom management is crucial in promoting a successful teaching and learning environment I strongly believe that knowing all the students in the class their background learning preferences and needs and interests are vital in promoting a positive and successful classroom environment There should be a two way road with proper communication undying trust and respect between the students and teacher When there is respect and communication between the students and teacher it is clear in classroom management The teacher wants to help the students learn by being prepared and will motivated conducting lessons that interest the students as well as constantly learning more about students In return students are engaged in the lessons and are excited about the topic and want to complete activities in the correct manner Without these characteristics in the classroom it can be difficult to promote a functioning and successful learning environment Theoretical Framework This study will be anchored on Assertive Classroom Management by Lee Carter 1970 which based on the notion that learners react positively to fair and will throughout the rule system The assertive model is not necessarily an antagonistic model nor does it suggest that teachers should over discipline learners In fact the model uses four elements to determine a learning environment in which learners operate under clear rules which carry specified benefits or consequences depending on their willingness to follow them 

The four elements break down as follows a establishing rules write down clear classroom rules that require no interpretation Include specific rules such as turn off your cell phones when you enter the classroom ask permission before leaving the classroom for any reason or clean your desk area before leaving the classroom If you incorporate general rules ensure that you write them clearly with specific elements Clarify and talk about each rule on the first day of class and let your learners ask questions about the kind of actions that may violate these classroom rules Designing specific punishments for each broken rule is important but making sure your punishments are both fair and reasonable should remain the priority Also handling discipline in a straightforward and matter of fact method is extremely important Your role as a teacher in this assertive classroom management model places you as the leader of your learning environment As such you must show your learners how to follow the rules by demonstrating them yourself For instance showing learners how to be respectful of other learner comments by treating each comment as you describe in your rules is a good way to exemplify how things should work As teachers we need to follow and enforce our rules consistently because the goal is for our learners to make behavior decisions based on punishments and benefits they can count on such as knowing that if they leave class without permission they will face the p

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