420Before starting this CLIXA Stores Inc Company Software Defined Networking solution project should have proper knowledge in regard to the company especially objective and scope and also overall thought in regard to the Administration in CLIXA Stores Inc Company Most researchers argue that the current SDN is inadequate and has reached a tipping point where most of the time and e ff ort is spent addressing current flaws rather than creating new ideas To address the challenge of ossification of the SDN researchers have started to focus on redesigning the standard architecture with the aid of breaking the tight integration of the forwarding and control plane implementations, As a result, major research projects focus on the SDN architecture to assemble and present a logically centralized map of the network The next generation of SDN networks will benefit not only from the simplicity of the implementation but also from the fact that maintaining and updating applications will be easier as well
Software-Defined Networking SDN solves the issues in the conventional networking and virtualizes the network resources in an on-demand manner to maximize the utilization by effectively using the network resources and satisfying the user application constraints In this project report the author surveyed the state of the art in Software Defined Networking SDN research in four areas Network Quality of Service QoS Load Balancing Scalability and Security From the literature survey the author has identified that there is no common architecture or solution to address all the four issues that should be addressed in the context of Software Defined Networking SDN
The lifecycle of network devices incorporates two critical stages in the first place the organization and allotment of assets and second, the control and administration of the devices SDN permits a superior control of the system giving programmability limits and enhanced system administration SDN additionally supports the development and encourages the automation of the network system
For its part, NFV expands the system adaptability and lessens the multifaceted nature in the organization of conventional NFs In this project report a relative execution investigation of traditional network system and OpenFlow enabled network system is done by thinking about various network system topologies By contrasting three fundamental Mininet network topologies that are single linear and tree topology and proposed CLIXA Stores Inc network system topology for customary and OpenFlow enabled network system condition and based on comes about acquired it is supposed that the OpenFlow enabled system is quicker because of its halfway control engineering when contrasted with conventional system Thus in worry to future network systems administration situation a sending of OpenFlow enabled system in CLIXA Stores Inc office or departments territory is required to be done proficiently so the systems can turn out to faster scalable reliable and secure with many more advance features
Therefore the cloud network computing is a powerful new abstraction for large scale data processing systems which is scalable reliable and Highly Available In cloud computing there are large self-managed server pools available which reduces the overhead and eliminates management headache
Cloud computing services can also grow and shrink according to need Cloud computing is especially profitable to small and medium organizations where compelling and moderate IT devices are basic to helping them turn out to be more beneficial without spending loads of cash on in house assets and specialized gear Also it is a new emerging architecture needed to expand the Internet to become the computing platform of the future The whole project will be implemented in GNS3 with Cisco routers All these routers will be configured using Cisco configuration commands Details of the design topology configuration implementation and testing as well as the number of routers required in this network solution also clearly mentioned in task three An implementation project development modelling techniques interface design code implementation the test plan and test cases are mentioned here to check for all the functions of CLIXA Stores Inc Company network solution in chapter four and five As London Metropolitan University syllabus does not cover knowledge area on this topic for much another research would be enough to gain knowledge on this
And in this network solution project, the author has referred many websites journal articles network practical research papers networking video tutorials and magazine to make this project successful Therefore the author has got a lot of additional knowledge for doing this project When doing implementation currently the author doesn't have any knowledge about the SDN configuration So the author has to do lots of SDN based practical And there were many limitations Such as there were not Cisco Routers and Switches to do with the real environment Therefore the emulation software has been used to it instead of Cisco Routers and switches In here sometimes it was not enough the performance of the computer to run emulation software This was one of the main limitations the author has faced Windows server configuration and work with the virtual machine environment the author has faced many limitations This was one of the barriers when doing configuration
Currently, the author using Dynamic Multipoint VPN DMVPN technology in this network solution Traditionally IP packet sending is done by examining the goal IP address contained in the network layer header of every packet as the packet travels out from its source to its last goal Although successful and obviously widely deployed there are certain limitations associated with this method of packet forwarding that reduces its flexibility New techniques were therefore required to address and expand the functionality of an IP based network infrastructure hence the concept of Multiprotocol Label Switching MPLS As same as network security can be increased by using latest MPLS based virtual private network technology