Essay Example on Cloud computing in healthcare or Electronic Medical Records









Cloud computing in healthcare or Electronic Medical Records has it benefits it allows streamline data saving on data storage access to high powered analytics data sharing and advance clinical research As the Chief Operating Officer for Dinklage Medical clinic I propose the implementation of 3m coding software to operate our new EHR system For this system to be a success we will need to hire additional team of Information Technology Clerical Administration and Information Management leaders and communicate with a team of Stakeholders 3M coding and reimbursement systems provide easy to suite tools that generates accurate complete compliant coding When utilizing 3m coding clinicians will be able to put the books away because codes are offered thru an online system As an optional add on to the 3M Coding and Reimbursement System CRS the 3M Coding Reference Software is designed to give coders easy online integrated access to the state of the industry references they need most during a coding session One click within the 3M CRS allows coders to jump to such valuable references as the AHA Coding Clinic the AMA CPT Assistant the Clinical Pharmacology Drug Reference and Dorland's Medical Dictionary and Elsevier's Anatomy Plates 3M 2018 3M offers both onsite and remote CDI consulting services to address your CDI challenges 3M offers remote services that can reduce travel cost CDI professionals are available for full or part time support whenever they are needed Managers are experienced in CDI program management and have 24 7 access to the most up to date CDI resources Benefits for utilizing 3M CDI services are they offer compensation for staff turnover vacation or illnesses The remote services are completely HIPPA compliant 

Our new Information Technology team will need to be able to train the staff on the new software and assist in transferring data The IT team will need to be able to work with the administration team to understand the new software and how to properly code charges Challenges that coders face is they need specific coding in order to accurately capture what exactly the doctor is treating and how he is treating it Coders also need his documentation to specifically match or reflect this information The codes need to match the words and the words need to match the code A CDI person can face challenges such as the coding system isn't specific enough to describe the situation in real life Or the doctor or coder are not capturing work that fits into the desired DRG for payment CDI can also receive push back from the Doctors Issue that are possible within the HIE system is the focus on providers saving costs on information transmission caused two different but problematic effects First the role for the community focused stakeholder was minimized to the point where only competitors were left at the table Again competitive relations posed problems as members limited the type and amount of information exchanged or limited themselves to a read only basis in order to protect what was deemed as proprietary information Second the role for technology vendors was increased by the potential for fees associated with electronic transmission 

Existing vendor commitments strained relationships between potentially partnering healthcare organizations and vendors reportedly pitted the respective interests of hospitals and community physicians against each other Health Information Exchange 2018 Three best practices that address these issues are meet with physician stakeholders creating a board will facilitate communication between hospitals leaders and physician stakeholders as well as any resistance understanding the implementation of HIE It is important for hospital leaders to understand the HIE initiative from a physician s point of view to be able to identify potential issues and solve them before implantation Also gain physician buy in is the existential success of an HIE because and HIE s value and success depends on the number of users The purpose of a hospital HIE is to improve quality of patient care and reduce unnecessary costs That can only be done if not only physician champions are using it but also those with reservations Mr Maglothin Don t limit the hospital to one HIE When examining a patient FMH usually begins with the hospital's EHR and then references the HIE to include statewide data Participating in both an internal and external HIE can enable the hospital to better organize data within the organization and be able to share that information via the regional or statewide system It will be important for Information 

Management Leaders to be trained properly in the system and communicate with all teams They will need to work with myself Stakeholders during the strategic planning process The strategic planning process utilizes analytical models that provide a realistic picture of the individual corporation or nation The process requires five distinct steps a good strategic plan includes metrics that translate the vision and the mission into specific end points The 5 steps in strategic planning and decision making process The first is the Vision Statement which is a broad statement about the company's value and future direction The vision statement must express the company's core ideologies Second is the mission statement which is the key components about the companies targeted customers markets main products geographic domain and core technologies The third is Analysis which is the company business trends external opportunities internal resources and core competencies The fourth is strategy formulation is to formulate a long term strategy The fifth is strategy implementation and management this ensures that the strategy is translated into objectives operational actions and financial goals and focuses on four key dimensions financial factors employee learning and growth customer satisfaction and internal business processes

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