435Reading more into the lyrics you could also relate the line to the fact that Coco Chanel was believed to have been bisexual It is also rumored that she was also in a relationship with a member of the Nazi party suggesting she saw both sides of World War 2 Not only did Chanel impact the fashion community but also the beauty community In 1921 Chanel released the first Branded perfume Chanel Number 5 The iconic scent was the first perfume concocted to smell deliberately artificial being made from unatural ingredients unlike most perfumes of the time which were comprised of floral components As a result of the iconic Chanel Number 5 most major fashion brands now have there own perfumes that often bring in more revenue than there clothing But fear not according to data gathered in 2014 Chanel number 5 is the number one selling perfume of all time From creating iconic styles to essentially being the first modern celebrity Coco Chanel is a woman of iconicism inspiration and influence Coco Chanel s impact on fashion completely altered the industry for eternity verifying that Coco Chanel is not only an influential woman in the fashion industry but an influence for all of humanity