265At a young age 19 20 21 teens or young adults do not really take into consideration the health concerns that steroids bring into their lives They don t think about the long term effects that are going to affect them when they are older they only think of the short term effects of getting big and muscular There are many types of Steroids used for different things but the ones that athletes and people who work out vigorously use are called Anabolic Steroids These types of steroids increase their muscle mass and strength The main anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body's testosterone There many effects of anabolic steroids these effects include Prominent breasts Baldness Shrunken testicles Infertility Impotence and Prostate gland enlargement These long term effects can affect you from having children Heart and circulatory problems Aggressive behaviors rage or violence and Psychiatric disorders such as depression Doing steroids might be cool in all in the beginning because you look jacked but in the long run you are only going to hurt yourself and your physical and mental health Drug testing in college could eliminate the use of steroids in teenagers coming into college because if they want to be on the team and be successful they have to be steroid free and naturally built Some teens or young adults don't know the consequences of using illegal drugs or steroids because they are only focused on getting a certain effect from a drug or trying to gain an advantage on the field If you are caught with and type of illegal drug or performance enhancer you could get into big trouble especially if you are getting it from a dealer
If you are caught by the police with steroids in your possession the consequences aren't looking to good for you Simple possession of illicitly obtained anabolic steroids carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a minimum 1 000 fine if this is an individual s first drug offense The maximum penalty for trafficking is five years in prison and a fine of 250 000 if this is the individual s first felony drug offense If you are entering a sport in college there will be mandatory drug test and if you fail them the consequences are not looking to good for you The penalty for a positive test for a performance enhancing drug PED is strict and automatic student athletes lose one full year of eligibility for the first offense 25 percent of their total eligibility and are withheld from competition for 365 days from the date of the test A second positive test for a PED results in the loss of all remaining eligibility The consequences are harsh and would ruin your chance at playing your sport at all College athletes should really take these risks into consideration because why ruin a scholarship or have to go to prison because of stupidity College sports are a great way to find the best athletes in the world Drug testing is a good way to make sure all athletes are naturally good and no drug enhancements are being used to improve their ability on the field to better themselves from other competition Drugs test should be done annually in all colleges and would help see whos the greatest in sports