Essay Example on Compare Contrast Monotheistic religions








While many people today only see the differences between the three major monotheistic religions they are in fact much more similar than they are different Amongst the world the three main religions are closely related in their origins holy scriptures books beliefs and institutions of leadership Jews Christians and Muslims believe in the covenant made between God and Abraham This covenant between God and Abraham became the heritage faith and belief for the children of Abraham to continue The Covenant made around 4 000 years ago which then formed the basis beliefs and the common origin that joined the three major monotheistic religions Judaism Christianity and Islam Jews Christians and Muslims have more similarity than difference they all believe in the covenant between God and Abraham All the three major religions believe that a covenant was made by God with Abraham to keep faith in one God and to worship him to keep faith in one God and to worship him to keep that faith and teach practice of worship his children It is expressed in the Jewish and Christian traditions in a verse of the book in Genesis In this verse God calls to Abraham and he replies Here I am Genesis 1 22 All religions have and share a similar story in each of their holy and sacred books Proving that both religions are more similar than different The story of Abraham is a bridge between the religions Judaism and Christianity as Jesus was a Jew and he had appointed the twelve apostles to spread word about Jesus s teachings as they spread word across the world they mentioned the story of Abraham which the Christians and Muslims believed in All religions are Monotheistic religions as they share the belief in only one God who is the creator of the universe infinite omnipresent almighty and eternal Christians believe that God exists and even refer to him as God Him or even Father For this God is our God for ever and ever He will be our guide even to the end Psalms 48 14 NIV

Judaism believes in one God whom they refer to as Yahweh They believe that Yahweh is just and good and he expects goodness from all of his people if they do not obey his will they will be subjected to punishment Likewise Islam is also a Monotheistic religion they believe that Allah is the one true God and is the Creator of the Universe Ruler of the Universe eternal omnipresent almighty and infinite All religions believe in their one God who they speak about in their sacred texts Holy Bible Genesis Quran All three religions are Monotheistic religions as they put their faith in a religion that only worships one God All religions believe in Jesus Christ However some religions reject the belief that Jesus Christ was was designated anything higher than a Prophet or messenger from God they rejected the belief that he was the son of God or even the Messiah Jesus Christ s religious teaching have been seen all over the world and their religion is called Christianity and those who followed his religious beliefs and teachings were called Christians Jesus had said I am the way and the truth and the life No one comes to the Father except through me John 14 6 Judaism believed that Jesus had once existed however they do not believe that he was the one sent from God or that he was the Messiah They do believe that he was a Prophet and a messenger of God who taught the ways the God desired us to learn but they reject the belief that he was a son of God or even the Messiah All religions prove to be similar by having believed in Jesus who had in one point existed But prove to be different as Jews and Muslims reject the belief that Jesus Christ was a son of God or Messiah Jews Muslims and Christians share different views and aspects of Jesus Christ proving the contrast between the three major religions Amongst the world the three main religions are closely related in their origins Holy Scriptures books beliefs and institutions of leadership Jews Christians and Muslims have more similarities than difference they all believe in the covenant between God and Abraham All religions are Monotheistic as they share belief in only one God who is the creator of the universe ruler of the universe infinite omnipresent almighty and eternal All religions believe in the existence of Jesus Christ However few religions reject the belief that Jesus Christ was designated anything higher than a Prophet or messenger they reject the idea that he was a son of God or even the Messiah Even though many religions that are present in our world are diverse and different the three most major dominant religions share more similarity than differences All of the religions lead back to the covenant that was made 4000 years ago that set the basis of the three most unique and major religions

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