Essay Example on Considerable amount of fieldwork in Calcutta India this extract Donner








Based on a considerable amount of fieldwork in Calcutta India this extract Donner H 2016 implements the first ethnography of how middle class women in India apprehend and experience economic prosperity through the evolution of family life It explores their conceptions practices and experiences of marriage childbirth and their children's education She then delves into the repercussions that globalization is having on the new middle classes in Asia more broadly from a domestic perspective and how this redefining women's identity By centralising the topic of maternity in her writing this extract explores subjective understanding of the way the family is affected by India's newly emerging neo liberal ideologies that accompany through an analysis of often competing ideologies and multiple practices Donner sheds some light on women's agency as wives mothers and grandmothers in these new frameworks Domestic Goddesses confer the experiences of different age groups affected by these changes as they recognise that woman s identities are shifting and changing according to changes to attitudes in society

Through a careful analysis of women's narratives the domestic sphere is shown to represent the key site for the remaking of Indian middle class citizens in a global world This unprecedented insight into the class system through the family structure Gender age on identity In this extract Eriksen 2010 presents a clear outline of anthropology targeting fundamental topics to the discipline such as age gender and ethnicity offering an array of examples which exhibit the vast scope of anthropology and the essence of a comparative perspective What makes Small Places Large Issues 2010 so potent in presenting argument on the subject of age gender and identity is his reviews of crucial monographs to illustrate his argument Eriksen s clear and accessible text uses evidence adequately as he picks apart the main argument made by ethnographers such as and analyses the gender what s interesting is that Eriksen delves deep into the morality that men and woman shared by putting forward the example of the two distinctly gendered values in the Carrabin men peruse to enhance their reputation and woman their respectability which entails two different ways of perceiving and experiencing the world P Wilson 1978 Also talk about how fluid gender can be for example in certain societies gay men are considered to be intermediate meaning they are nor male nor female

Which bridging the perceived gap between classic and contemporary anthropology Identity and intersectionality In this extract Woodward K 2004 questions identity focusing on the individual s perception of self in relation to others She then goes on to explore how our world is becoming more and more unstable but prevailing changes offer new opportunities as well as new challenges Woodward deliberates whether or not gender class and ethnicity offer lucidity about who we are or if these factors are to be seen as limitations on our autonomy to choose our own identities Are we untimely bound by the social constraints and inequalities with which we started out This text provides an easily graspable examination of identity by weaving references of multiple sociologists psychologists and anthropologists throughout the text to critically analyse how identities are shaped Woodward uses the evidence well to support his argument that identity is fluid as it is a reflection of social interactions and it can change over time as we adopt different roles Identity gender and war In the newest edition of her book Cockburn 2015 gives or provides an in depth account of the most important theories debates issues and methodologies on the topic of gender identity we find that the book is written from a feminist perspective discussing woman s experience of identity and sexuality in the context of war Furthermore the insights of feminist theory are often merged with a range of other disciplines including International Relations hence forth IR to create a new perspective

I itself Feminist IR I believe this has changed the way we look at feminism as it is no longer a stand alone theory but is now linked with a discipline which examines issues around The large spectrum of feminist and gender theories are extremely potent in explaining the importance to contemporary global issues such as human rights rape in war terrorism human and arms trafficking Diaspora In this article Georgina Tsolidis explores the term diaspora through a sociological perspective The writer starts by stating that this article is based off her personal experience of diaspora although this makes the piece feel more intimate one potential flaw to this is that the article isn t factual therefore it may not be Tsolidis goes onto exploring the etymology of the word diaspora she mentions the word diaspora is a potent word in describing define word however she also conveys that many varying definitions are attached to it which makes it hard to use but on the other hand

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