Essay Example on Continuing Professional Development CPD is the most important Step








If we want to be competent in our work Continuing Professional Development CPD is the most important step being practically an ongoing process that has to continue throughout all our professional s career This process means learning is definitively inextricably linked into doing the job and also always learning This is a mechanism by which individuals take authority take control of their own learning and growth by engaging in a continuous process of reflection and action steps that are stimulating for achievements and aspirations We need CPD mainly because the latest reality proves us that the security for us as individuals no longer lies in the job or organisation but in the skills experience or knowledge that we have within ourselves As a holistic process CPD gives learning two forms first leaning means addition of something and secondly verifying We must always be concern about CPD especially because this can systematise learning This can be realised by consciously administer a range of different changes in the professional attitude This also gives us different approaches or variations in practice in order to enrich the experience practice and knowledge of professionals CPD also gives us the opportunity to regularly looking forward to how we want to be reflecting on how we are So these keeping up to date and confirming practice ranged from attending workshops courses or external meetings for example

Furthermore CPD has to be essential to effective practice and to an individual's development within the profession whether or not that results in career progression Also as a learning process CPD ensures our capabilities to keep pace with the current standards of others in the same field and also maintains and enhances the knowledge and skills you need to deliver a professional service to your customers clients and the community But not all the knowledge is relevant This is why CPD ensures in my opinion that my knowledge in my field stays relevant and up to date making us more aware of the changing trends or directions In addition we need CPD to help us to become more effective in the workplace and also to stay interested and interesting Experience is a great teacher but it does mean that we tend to do what we have done before Focused CPD opens us up to new skill areas new possibilities and also new knowledge CPD gives a very complex meaning for the word effectiveness at our workplace It is to be left open because it is complex and multi dimensional and accordingly and incompatible with measurement Its complexity arises from the need to improve practice and to develop professionally and from the dynamics of implementation in workplace settings whatever they may be because can deliver a deeper understanding of what it means to be a professional along with a greater appreciation of the implications and impacts of your work and why not can lead to increased public confidence in individual professionals and their profession as a whole There are different modalities to improve ourselves as specialists and we have to think the perspective of CPD with two ways the organisational and the individual one

The organisational modality is in my opinion a significant emphasis on flexibility of provision as well as a strong need for justification and transparency in making judgements about quality both of provision and performance As individual modality CPD could means as I have already established about knowledge professional values or identities decision making skills and practices performance and realisation or why not non technical skills good or necessary even for a IT engineer The need for CPD is more than evident regularly updating your knowledge and skills can help you remain competent effective and innovative in your role Taking the opportunity to access some structured training and learning based on our needs enhance our confidence or motivation and also can allow us to consolidate and demonstrate our professionalism both to ourselves and others In conclusion the importance of continuing professional development should not be undervalued In my opinion it is also a personal responsibility of professionals to keep their knowledge and skills current in order to deliver a high quality of service This is a career long obligation for practicing professionals and is some situation it is mandated by professional organisations or required by codes of conduct or codes of ethics Produce and develop a plan that outlines responsibilities performance objectives and required skills knowledge and learning for own future goals P8 For my first half of 2018 I have three main objectives to achieve in order to improve my professional and also my personal skills

My main priority is to manage to finish a cloud computing course a field in that I am really interested in because it is a constant movement it will help me in my future career and it is also a course that can help me in my personal life 

This kind of training will cover core distributed systems concepts used inside clouds and will help me understand how to move to the upper layer of Cloud Applications and Cloud Networking Another objective for these six months is to complete a Cisco Application Control Engine Appliance This is an instructor-led with access in a special lab course that will teach me how to design deploy and optimize intelligent network services using the Cisco Application Control Engine ACE Appliance This course covers all of the key features of the ACE 2 0 software including resource virtualization and management server load balancing Layer 2 4 and Layer 7 SSL termination and offload and security features like application-layer inspection and fix-ups This course will also help me at my Icon College of Technology and Management The last skill that I have to improve in these six months is the English course As an EOL student this is an ongoing process For this I need to practice every day

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