Essay Example on Corbusier originated his five points of Architecture









Corbusier originated his five points of architecture to lead the development of his buildings and became what he saw as successive points of design Pilotis Supporting walls being replaced by a grid of reinforced concrete columns Open floor plan Lack of supporting walls means free flowing floor plans Free design of facade Facade is separate from structural function so gives freedom to the design Ribbon window Window flows round as long strips Roof gardens Bringing a sense of nature to the brutalism Béton brut translating to raw concrete is how Le Corbusier described the material choice of many of his structures later to be termed as Brutalist Architecture by British architectural critic Reynar Banham The controversial style has the intention of being audacious bold and daunting featuring mostly large scale heavy structures constructed from raw concrete This style was later popularised heavily throughout the world in a range of uses such as social housing and public buildings Hopkins 2014 However it s not just the material and exterior form that differentiates this style from others Used largely for social housing complexes Corbusier wanted to create interior cities with streets flowing throughout arising from his famous quote a house is a machine for living in One of his most famous examples of this is the Unité d habitation an 18 story slab block in Marseille constructed to house the many left from the second world war 

The building accommodated 1 600 residents but also contains two shopping streets a hotel and rooftop terrace devising a city like structure The elevation features a number of balconies utilising deep set windows all designed to a grid template cross referenced with his Modular Man a concept adopting the measurements of a 6 foot man with the mathematics of the golden ratio Frearson 2014 Adopting these ideologies The Ministry of Education and Health is a brutalist structure designed by Lucio Costa and located in Rio de Janeiro The concept originated and revolved around the five points of architecture created by Le Corbusier Many factors have influenced the design and construction of the structure but none more so than Le Corbusier s theories of how social housing should seek to improve life through a new style of architecture Due to this the practice invited Corbusier to oversee the project further increasing the use of his ideologies Specific influence comes from Corbusier s series of Villa s in which roof gardens were very prominent in the design Corbusier research concluded that the roof garden was a fundamental mean of bringing nature to houses thus adding it to the five points of architecture It recovered the city from all the built up area almost as a form of apology to nature It has since been proven in research studies to reduce air pollution by up to 20 Due to the urban location Costa embraced this 

The Ministry of Education and Health s roof features a specific design of Brazilian native plants arranged and designed by Roberto Burle Max a famous Brazilian landscape architect to mimic a painting he had created The garden gave a rural break from the urban surrounding and use of raw concrete seen from office windows due to its positioning on the secondary lower down structure The use of Pilotis is also prevalent throughout the design as you can see from the plans and photos of the interior of the structure Using these reinforced concrete columns throughout the structure allows the lack of supporting walls Aside from the supporting function of these columns these raise the architectural volume lighten the structure and gives a free space for circulation beneath the structure for pedestrians It's important to introduce a sense of lightness to the building due to the heavy use of raw concrete aesthetic in contrast Utilising the free d space below Costa lined one side with tiled artwork made by Cândido Portinari one of Brazil's most famous painters mimicking the rooftop gardens influential art and a glass facade on the other adding transparency to the bottom floor Pilotis introduce an opportunity for free flowing floor plans as the space doesn't have to be divided up by the use of supporting walls

This open plan was seen as achieving freedom by modern technology that opened up a variety of aesthetic and functional possibilities for designs Due to this the interiors features vast open spaces often two height ceilings and minimal aesthetics to provide a simplistic and straight forward approach to design A further rule of Corbusier s that s followed by this building is the free design of the facade The north facing facade is not connected to the structural piece of the building this allows flexibility in the designing of the exterior elevation Lucio Costa took advantage of this by creating a large grid like effect stretching across the face each segment conveying a rectangle set back by a meter with three Corbusier brises soleil sun shades mechanically adjustable to prevent the tropical sunshine a first of it s kind in the world at that point It can be assumed that this was closely designed designed using the modular man template to aim for human like proportions The building was a bold attempt at modernist architecture for it s time especially at such a large scale at the time being Le Corbusier s biggest building that he s been involved with The building had a great impact on the use of modern architecture in Brazil and South America in general especially due to it s use as a public governmental building Corbusier s influence with the five points of architecture is prevalent throughout many aspects of the design and has greatly improved the design and usability of the structure

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