Essay Example on Creation of the Periodic Table








Have you ever wondered about the creation of the periodic table Over the years the Periodic Table has been through lots of changes As much as it changes the people who make add details and elements to the table change as well The elements of the Periodic Table shape the table in how it looks and the overall organization of it really brings the whole table together In my easy you will learn about a Russian Chemist and his amazing creation of the periodic table Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev is a Russian Chemist and Inventor He was born in Tobolsk Russia on Feb 8 1834 and died on Feb 2 1907 in St Petersburg Russia right before his 73rd birthday Mendeleev is the youngest child in his family out of 14 children Although Mendeleev was very smart his family went through pretty harsh times After his father went blind his mom reopened a glass factory But directly after that his dad died when Mendeleev was 13 because of Tuberculosis But it didn t stop there His mom s glass factory burnt down and she lost everything Mendeleev went through school like it was no problem and graduated at age 16 Mendeleev s brother in law talked about science and chemistry a lot so Mendeleev took fond of chemistry He went to St Petersburg Russia in 1861 to become a professor in chemistry at the University of St Petersburg An Italian chemist Stanislao Cannizzaro collected data from labs all over the world and created a pamphlet The pamphlet include ways to determine a consistent set of atomic weights and that there are weight for each element Cannizzaro held a meeting about the pamphlet and Mendeleev attended Mendeleev found out by looking at the pamphlet that he can arrange the elements by their atomic weights and their properties This was how he constructed the table The Periodic Table Mendeleev believed in his Periodic Table so he changed the atomic mass of the elements so they would fit on the table As for example Beryllium Be which was placed in Group 15 but got moved to Group Two next to Magnesium Mg because they were more closely related

There were still gaps in the table But the strange thing is that Mendeleev predicted the missing elements He predicted the existence of eka aluminum eka boron and eka silicon later named to be gallium Ga Scandium Sc and Germanium Ge Within 15 years of Mendeleev’s predictions the elements were discovered and their properties were found to closely match his predictions In the early twentieth century work by a English Physicist Joseph John Thomson led to the discovery of the electron and later the proton In 1932 English Physicist James Chadwick proved the existence of the neutron in the atomic nucleus British scientist Henry G J Moseley said elements are based on atomic number rather than atomic mass Mosley determined the frequency and wavelengths of x rays emitted to determine how many protons they had in a nuclei His work set the stage for a new interpretation of the Periodic Table As of 2014 there were 118 observed elements but there are only a finite number of natural elements in the world Only 90 elements are natural and the others are all man made Technetium was the first artificially made element Mendeleev arranged the elements in the periodic table in periods horizontal rows and groups vertical columns The way the elements are arranged help chemist find the elements they need for their formula faster and way easier Another way the organization of the table helps chemist is they can remember useful facts about the elements The elements on the table are represented by symbols usually one to three letters long in individual squares Above each symbol is the atomic number

These whole numbers are the number of protons present in the nucleus of that element Below the symbol appears the atomic mass The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic numbers The periodic table contains 18 groups The elements of the same group are known to have similar properties One of the first things that stands out is that the table is composed of metals nonmetals and metalloids Some everyday metals are electrical wires and pots and pans Some of the nonmetals include oxygen O carbon C hydrogen H sulfur S and phosphorus P All of the nonmetals are located on the right side of the table while the metals are on the left side The first period in the Periodic Table contains hydrogen and helium He The second and third period consists of 8 elements while the third period has 18 elements The groups that make up the Periodic Table are the Lithium Beryllium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine and the 18th group is a combination of helium and neon Periodic Table Royal Society of Chemistry Jan 02 2018 All of these periods are put together by personality traits and common characterizations The creation of Mendeleev’s table really helped and made a big impacted on chemist It helped them learn add on to and discover new elements on the periodic table Throughout my paper I have learned that there was much more that one person involved in the making of the table As well I ve got to understand how the organization of the table helps everyone find elements clearer as well as all there information My over all thought is that Mendeleev was a brilliant chemist and without him the Periodic Table may have never been born

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