Essay Example on Cyberbullying is a form of Bullying









A fifteen-year-old Irish girl from Massachusetts hanged herself a couple of days before her school dance because she was cyberbullied A seventeen-year-old high school student from Kentucky took her life after receiving threatening messages on her social media account A high sophomore from Texas hung himself in his family s backyard following ongoing cyberbullying In September 2010 an eighteen-year-old college student threw himself off a bridge after embarrassing pictures of him were spread throughout his account by some anonymous hacker All these are true stories that happened lately caused by cyberbullying Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs when someone anonymous sends harmful and threatening texts Also harassment blackmailing and the spread of offensive rumors all occur through cyberbullying It is mostly there to make the victim feel sad depressed scared and leads to suicide attempts This is a growing issue worldwide and especially in schools 

Therefore not only parents police and the FBI but also schools should be involved in fighting against cyberbullying by helping the victims to stand up for themselves and teaching students what s right and wrong Recent studies show that most students who are bullied are too afraid to say something or do something about it In a recent national bullying survey 50 of the young people said they have witnessed cyberbullying and 42 have been threatened and unsafe online Cyberbullying can happen 24 hours a day 7 days a week and it can spread or go viral very fast

That being the case school officials should get involved in this tragedy They can help victims stand up for themselves by giving them hope by standing by them by teaching them to fear nothing but God by setting good examples etc As a result the victim s level of confidence and self-esteem would soar There are indeed many harsh and severe effect of cyberbullying on victims such as low self-esteem withdrawal from family and friends refusal to go to school changing appearance to try and fit in self-harm a change in personality i e anger depression crying withdrawn etc 

And sometimes cyberbullying can often lead to committing suicides So parents would you want your innocent kids to go through all this cruelty and feel threatened To be afraid Well schools are important to give a hand and aid by setting what s right and wrong and that any form of bullying is a total crime 20 of all children and young adults indicate fear of cyberbullies and made them reluctant to attend school 5 reported self-harm 3 reported an attempt of suicide as a direct result of cyberbullying Because cyberbullying is connected to suicide attempts it is mandatory for the FBI parents as well as schools to interfere Additionally 1 18 million victims were being cyberbullied and committed suicide later because of many reasons and one of them is that the school didn t help in anything

Many people say schools have nothing to do with what a kid does or what they say It is the parent s responsibility to deal with their child The person being bullied should talk to his her parents and then the parents should talk to the parents of the bully to sort things out that is if they found who the anonymous bully is It is true that it s the parent s responsibility yet matter fact the parents have to have many areas and people to support the victim and that is one of their responsibilities too Plus approaching the bullies or the parents of the bully could be risky as it may increase tormenting of the victim out of revenge Moreover others may also say most cyber bullies do not commit it at school so why does the school need to interfere That s also true however maybe the anonymous bully is in another school that doesn t set what s right and wrong and the bully is ignorant That s why schools should interfere and if they can t help a victim there is always hope for helping the bully to come out to his her senses to prevent from cyber bullying next victims For example a true story of a girl that committed suicide because of being cyber bullied After her death her parents showed he messages and the bully turned out to be in the same school In conclusion cyber bullying is rife on social medias and it includes sending hurtful texts or instant messages posting embarrassing and mean photos or videos and the spread of rumours online Consequently schools must be obligated to get in the way of cyber bullying not only by setting what right and wrong but also helping raise the victim s self esteem Let our schools be the change in our kids Let the schools be in the way of crush cruelty ad content Let our schools be the role model

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