Essay Example on Data Management Strategy for XYZ University Technical Foundations









Data Management Strategy for XYZ University Technical Foundations by Why manage data Over the last few years development of new technologies like smart devices online courses flexible classrooms etc are completely rebuilding the approach towards learning and teaching Many educational institutions are embracing these new technologies and methods to meet today's needs The universities need their data to improve as they are now operating in a progressively complex and competitive environment These days the sources of data such as educational content enrollment scholarships etc are enormous 

Managing analyzing and reporting across departments and or campuses is becoming more challenging To make better decisions organizations have been using data analysis for many years According to IBM 80 of the data generated by organizations is unstructured and can be in various formats like text documents video audio diagrams images and multimedia documents Schneider 2016 The university s data volume is increasing every year and most of it is unstructured and scattered hence making it difficult to retrieve or consolidate New technologies have emerged that have made possible to collect and store these complex data from multiple sources There are analytical tools available which can convert these unstructured big data into meaningful data Machine learning is the current trend in today's tech world Growing numbers of systems and tools take advantage of it for big data analysis It is a method of data management analytics data visualization and reporting e g SAS Tools for data storage and management such as Hadoop Cloudera etc data mining tools like IBM s SPSS Modeler data analysis tools Qubole Statwing data visualization tools Tableau Silk and much more are becoming more advanced Import io 2017 Data Management Policies I believe by implementing a data management policy which establishes data governance roles and rules the University will be well positioned to implement and improve its data strategy framework adapted from Flory and Walker 2015 The following are the steps involved 

1 Data Governance A formal data governance structure will help resolve various data issues currently present in the University data management policy A robust data governance framework will provide the structure and institutional oversight necessary to establish a culture of data fluency across the institution Flory and Walker 2015 This can be implemented by following these steps a Forming a Data Governance Council Representatives from both academic and administrative areas should be a part of the council The Council s responsibilities include but not limited to creating a data governance charter which establishes policies rules and roles related to data Data resource planning develops a blueprint for data and relationship between those data across the organization Macro level data planning done via enterprise data modeling approach depicts the organization and its data requirements It identifies useful data and valuable information where they come from how are they used and how much is expected Brown et al 2011 95 113 b Identify Data Stewards They are responsible for the quality of data within their own realm Their roles include identifying all the values naming them uniquely and defining them set and check quality standards for each type of data and granting access and clearance to use those data Regular audits must also be done in order to ensure integrity c Security around Data Sources Data stewards defines users and roles to access data They also institute a process through which data access request can be reviewed and addressed quickly Data and application software must be managed as separate entities This will help keep data secure and is not affected by application changes The ISO IEC 27002 information security standard formerly ISO 17799 which covers security issues relevant to data management will be followed by us 

2 Data Accessibility We need a simple yet effective way of sharing data across various departments Database design should assist in data retrieval and data reporting in an efficient manner that can be easily understood by stakeholders Data Warehouse is a method to make data accessible to many people Data is cleaned and organized using the master data management approach mainly with the integration approach and then stored in the database Brown et al 2011 95 113 Functional representatives from each department are responsible for data review and report requests Data analysis and data presentation provide data and information to authorized persons The applications for this can draw upon any data from the database It can be a summary comparison of past reports graphs etc 3 Data Knowledge Data stewards offer functional and technical training in their departments They also share information about policies procedures and resources The naming and definitions for each data type must be compiled and shared across all divisions and campuses This is a called metadata which unambiguously describes data for our university Creating and maintaining high quality metadata is necessary to ensure quality data All the data should be stored in the metadata repository or data dictionary directory This metadata repository is also used to access and authorize the use of data Brown et al 2011 95 113 Periodic copies of the database are made to overcome any mishap If a database is damaged due to software or hardware issues it can be restored using the backup Data governance council must also decide on legal and other grounds how long the data should be archived E g Transcripts of students will have to be preserved forever but financial records are legally stored for 7 years According to the type of data disposal policies will be made

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