Essay Example on Data presentation and analysis forms an important part of all academic studies








CHAPTER FOUR PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA 4 1 Introduction Data presentation and analysis forms an important part of all academic studies commercial industrial and marketing activities as well as professional practices It is necessary to make use of collected data which is considered to be raw data which must be processed to put for any use Shubham 2017 Data analysis helps in interpretation of data and takes a decision or answer the research question Data analysis starts with the collection of data followed by sorting and processing it Processed data helps in obtaining information from it as the raw data is non comprehensive in nature Presenting the data includes the pictorial representation of the data by using graphs charts maps and other methods These methods help in adding visual aspect to data which makes it much easier and quick to understand Shubham 2017 This chapter presents the analyzed data Data were analyzed using tables line graph pie chart and bar chart Key interpretations were done on each table and this was guided by the research objectives the research questions were also answered Six questionnaires were not properly filled and as such were omitted from analysis 4 2 Results 4 2 1

Demographic Variables Table 2 Respondents Demographic characteristics N 279 Variables Items N Gender Male 41 16 4 Female 206 82 4 Total 247 100 Marital Status Single 52 20 8 Married 151 60 4 Divorced Separated 15 6 Widow Widower 30 12 Total 248 100 Educational Level Primary School 65 26 Secondary School 105 42 0 Higher Education 58 23 2 Total 228 100 Occupation Business 83 36 2 Trader 84 33 6 Salary Job 34 13 6 None 41 16 4 Total 242 100 Religion Islam 23 18 2 Christianity 202 80 8 African Tradition 2 0 8 Total 227 100 Table 2 shows that majority 82 4 of the respondents are female and 16 4 are male On marital status more than half 60 4 of the respondents were married and 20 8 were singles Most of the respondent s highest level of education was secondary school 42 0 however there were significance difference between respondents with higher education and primary school education with 23 2 and 26 0 respectively Majority of the respondents are traders and business men and women with 33 6 and 33 2 respectively More than half 80 0 of the respondents are Christians and 18 2 are Muslims 4 2 2 

Levels of Pregnancy Intentions among PLWHIV Relative to Reproductive Ages The finding to this are shown in figure 3 that these respondents living with HIV does have a high level of pregnancy intentions Figure 3 Showing the Percentage Levels of pregnancy Intentions among PLWHIV Relative to Reproductive Ages Figure 3 show that 69 9 of the respondents intended to be pregnant despite their HIV status This shows that respondents pregnancy intentions were high Figure 3 Percentage Levels of pregnancy Intentions of PLWHIV 4 2 3 Relative Frequencies of the Factors Influencing Pregnancy Intentions Among PLWHIV The findings to this objective are presented in table 3 Table 3 Relative Frequencies RF of the Factors influencing pregnancy Intentions among PLWHIV AGE PR IHNB RBRR IWTBM APMTCHS DOC LFMC APMTCTHRSS SOBC NHDNC 16 20 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 21 25 3 4 0 9 3 0 0 0 2 26 30 10 6 1 20 4 4 6 2 2 18 31 35 10 2 2 12 9 7 15 6 0 27 36 40 10 1 2 10 14 6 10 5 1 23 41 45 3 0 0 3 1 3 7 0 0 9 46 50 3 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 1 TOTAL 38 15 5 60 31 22 40 15 5 79 RF 0 12 0 05 0 02 0 19 0 1 0 07 0 13 0 05 0 02 0 25 Where PR Partner s request IHN I have none RBR Request by relative APMTCH Availability of PMTCTH services DC Death of children LFMC Looking for male child APMTCTHRS Awareness of PMTCTH reduction strategies SOBC Shame of being childless NHDNC Not having desired number of Children IWTBM I want to be a mother Table 4 shows that not having the desired number of children was the key influencing factor with relative frequency RF of 0 25 which was followed by wanting to be a mother and looking for a male child with RF of 0 19 and 0 13 respectively partners request was also significant with RF of 0 12 4 2 4 Percentage Levels of Male and Female PLWHIV with pregnancy Intentions Relative to Reproductive Ages The findings to this objective are shown in figure 4 that female clients living with HIV has higher level of pregnancy intentions compare to their male counterpart Figure 4 Percentage Levels of Male and Female PLWHIV with pregnancy Intentions Relative to Reproductive Ages Figure 4 shows that 67 2 of the male respondents and 74 4 of the female respondents intended to have pregnancy This shows that there is statistical difference in pregnancy intentions of female to male respondents Figure 4 The Percentage Levels of pregnancy Intentions among Male and Female PLWHIV Relative to Reproductive Ages 4 2 5 Knowledge Levels of HIV Positive Clients on Reproductive Options Available The findings to this objective are presented in table 4 below which shows that respondents have good knowledge level of reproductive options

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