Essay Example on Debate on Climate Change








Alejandro Castro Professor Newton GOVT 2306 2 January 2017 The Irresolute EPA Regional Administrator The Environmental Protection Agency EPA has always remained a valuable source of importance for the United States More recently the perpetual debate on climate change has become highlighted once more within the Southern Central Region as one side of the issue includes believers advocate against the process of climate change while the other side includes non believers who chalk up the idea of climate change as a competitive market strategy enacted by the Chinese This particular issue is reflected in the Article entitled Latest Texan to Join Trump s EPA is Still Deciding if She Believes in Climate Change published on December 28 2018 by Naveena Sadasivam a renowned online staff writer for The Texas Observer This informative article starts off by providing a detailed insight into the background of Anne Idsal an unknown quantity for many who was recently appointed by the Trump Administration as the new regional EPA administrator The Texas Observer At the age of 34 Idsal comes from a well connected Texas political family with ties to the Republican guard and has worked at a high level of Texas state government for years including the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TCEQ and the General Land Office These impressive milestones and extensive experience in government reflect her understanding of politics and have also prepared her for perhaps her biggest responsibility yet as she takes the reins of EPA Region 6 which includes Texas four other states and 66 tribal nations However one of the most important things to note was an interview question proposed by The Observer concerning her belief on climate change and her unique response included the words climate has been changing since the dawn of time well before humans ever inhabited the Earth

In addition to her response she states I think it s possible that humans have some type of impact on climate change These broad answers reflect her inability to state her belief on climate change clearly and other influential figures are noticing According to Luke Metzger executive director of Environment Texas her lack of having a technical background should require her to pay attention to scientists because it was alarming that Isdal doesn t believe climate change is human caused Much like other controversial subjects climate change has its believers and non believers This is mainly seen in the Political Sectors of Texas such as those of the Interest Groups of the EPA or TCEQ However I believe the States included within her regional authority will significantly witness more change in the Environmental Sectors compared to other Regions as a result of her dither With the Administration s zeal for attacking science leaving many rank and file staff at the EPA disillusioned and demoralized surely more and more change will incur This change will take place when the EPA of Region 6 under the Trump Administration enacts policies that will be supported and possibly carried out by Isdal potentially affect numerous of economic industries and companies that operate in the Environmental Sector of Texas By opening up federal lands for drilling and downgrading consequences for polluters there is no doubt in my mind that the Environmental Sector will experience cast change that will either restrain or aid the process of climate change

The information provided by Navenna is accurate and important reflecting the influence that can develop from Interests Groups which is relevant to the material provided from the course Much of the information that Naveena presented within her article came from various credible sources including the background of Isdal the EPA and the Observer The renowned organization of the EPA serves as an Interest Group within the political process because their members share a common goal and actively attempt to influence government programs and policymakers through direct and indirect methods They do this in order to not only gain revenue in the long run of their operations under the Trump Administration but more importantly maintain their credibility as organizations that have a major influence on the States within the boundaries of Region including Texas By ensuring this these types of Interests Groups can continue to operate and provide for the States to meet their own goals in the future The Environmental and Protection Agency will continue to retain its purposes defined under the Trump Administration Naveena s Article denotes this and gives insight into the statements that don t bode well for Environmentalists looking to work with Idsal It s important to remember that her inability to state her belief on climate change clearly will influence the outcomes of the Agency s actions Regardless of whatever belief she may have hidden or not it is evident that they will cause great change throughout the Region Whether that change is positive or negative is up to her Administration Ultimately Idsal s decision will have a significant impact on the Environmental Sector as well as the relations with environmentalists interested in working together with her Works Cited Sadasivam Naveena Latest Texan to Join Trump s EPA Is Still Deciding If She Believes in Climate Change The Texas Observer The Texas Observer 27 Dec 2017 www texasobserver org latest texan join trumps epa still deciding believes climate change

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