Essay Example on Definition According to the American Heritage Science









Definition According to the American Heritage Science Dictionary 2013 from Dictionary com website Society is considered to be a group of people who is interested in the persistent of social interaction more than likely they are subjected to the same political norms and convincing cultural expectations Examples However there are different types of society The hunting and gathering societies The hunting and gathering society is viewed to be the earliest from of society where the individuals survive by hunting food gathering woods trapping and fishing eatable foods or even plants for survival Pastoral societies Society that relies on products obtained through the hard working process of animals for transportation in order to survive and have a stable life Horticultural societies Are Societies that rely on cultivation of fruits vegetables and plants Agricultural societies Society that rely on the use of technology in order to cultivate crops in large areas Industrial societies society that rely on advance energy sources Post industrial societies Society that focuses on providing services and technology rather than focusing on production Pair Society can be paired with industrialization According to Sheffrin Steven M 2003 Industrialization is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from a specific society into an industrial society involving the extensive rebuilding of an economy for manufacturing 

Theories Sociologists today is consisted of three primarily theoretical perspectives the symbolic interactionist perspective the conflict perspective and the functionalist perspective Importance Society is important because it provides us with a system and also a stable platform that we work together to seek the betterment of the world With the constant efforts of the society we as humans are able to improve our living and social rights We are advancing due to the collective social efforts hence without society we are animals Limitation I believe that there are limits to everything in terms of our physical world All of our resources will eventually run out Therefore I believe that at some point in the future we will enter a situation where increases in all our input will result in smaller and smaller amounts of output Even if we find a way to utilize renewable resources to fuel our society there is also a limit to that Groups According to Turner J C 1982 Tajfel H Groups are usually defined as a number of people who identify and interact with one another This definition is very broad because it includes various types groups Examples In sociology there are two types of groups mentioned primary groups and secondary groups Primary socialization is when a young sibling learns the values and morals in society and learns how to cope with other Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning this is when a child learns how to behave in an appropriate way They learn how to conduct themselves and do what is right Pair From my perspective groups can be paired with organizations because I would consider as the same where as a group of persons come together to accomplish a common goal Theories The most important aspects of a group that might be studied include the qualities of relevant outcomes produced by that group the type and commonest of the group activities its uniqueness and others We are born into this world alone and yet when we die we will be alone no one will be with us Everything is left behind all the wealth and riches that we have into existence Importance The importance of social group are explained and defined by the way in which we interact with our peers and others that we come in contact with on a daily basis Limitation Group tasks require a lot planning and management this is also known to take time out of your time and activities yet most students mostly rely on a specific source if they cannot complete the task The article I read was entitled understanding the perception of racism in today's society Base on reading this article it was somewhat related to the culture of how we live and operate as humans How we grew up and what instil in us as a child 

The article spoke about racism and I think that has an impact on our culture how we think and perceive things Definition Culture is the shared products of human groups and on the other hand societies are people and culture refers to the components and the resources people create Examples Material Culture and Nonmaterial Culture Material culture is the physical objects such as books clothing utensils and other tangible material while nonmaterial is the abstracts human creations such as beliefs language ideas such as intangible Pair Culture would be paired with group because in society there are different many different types of groups Culture is the shared products of human group There are groups of people work schools business places resources and many others Theories The theory of culture mainly focuses on the various aspects of humans from our present society and from the past This is also the study of norms and values that are presented in our society And semiotics is the meaningful conversation we have in culture Importance Culture is said to provide important social and economic aspects With improved learning and health and opportunities to come together with others culture enhances our quality of life and increases overall stability for both our individual lives and communities Limitations One of the biggest identified issues in the limitation of culture is language Based on my reading culture is cannot be limited culture is basically who we are is said to be instilled in us from we were young until now It helps us to pass this information to our future generation

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