Essay Example on Demographic Differences of Employees Behavior








This study addresses the demographic differences of employees behavior in private sector banks in Jaffna district This chapter contains the background of the study research problem research question objectives of the study significance of the study and outline of the study 1 1Background of the study Previously many studies have largely discussed about the employee demography Peffer 1983 said that employee demography can be defined as the study of the composition of a social entity in terms of its members attributes Pfeffer 1983 303 The author pointed that demographics factors consist of gender age ethnicity occupation seniority salary levels marital and family status Pfeffer 1985 74 suggests that Sensitivity to demographic effects can help provide a context to understand organizational behavior Employee behavior is very important in a working environment Employee behavior is defined as an employee s reaction to a particular situation at workplace At workplace Employees need to behave sensibly not only to gain appreciation and respect from others but also to maintain a healthy work culture When employees feel not satisfied or demotivated they become less creative less productive To achieve its goals an organization must satisfy the employees so that they can increase productivity and have efficiency to work with motivation in any organization Employees work community includes co workers supervisors subordinates and customers Typically it consists of individuals of differing demographic characteristics The demographic characteristics include visible attributes like age race gender and less visible attributes such as tenure education functional background Now women and older individuals are holding jobs to a much greater extent than before

They started to interact with others demographically Successful employees are well motivated and they form an emotional connection with the company when the employees are motivated and positively engaged with their organization In banking outlet private bank has widest network which means it has large number of employees So it is crucial to examine the demographic difference of employees behavior of private banks in Jaffna district 1 2 Statement of research problem In the current competitive world every organization depends on the employee behavior demographically It is the most essential concept in an organization to increase the performance of the employees In this study demographic differences of employee behavior and it are examined 1 3 Research questions In this study researcher is going to answer the below research question Are there demographic differences of employee behavior in private sector banks in Jaffna district What are the demographic factors results in employee attitude in employee engagement In what ways can compare the demographic differences with the behavior of the employees 1 4 Objectives of the study The overall aim of this study is to examine the demographic differences of employee behavior in private banks in Jaffna district The study objectives have been segregated as primary and secondary objectives Primary objectives To analyze the employee behavior based on demographic group Secondary objectives To examine the level of employee behavior in private banks in Jaffna district To compare the demographic differences with the behavior of the employees 1 5Significance of the study

The findings of this study will use to the management of Jaffna private bank to understand the success and challenges of demographic differences of employee behavior The importance of this study is that selected organizations have not undertaken any study regarding demographic differences of employee behavior so far In organizational point of view it is important to analyze the correlation between demographic difference and it becomes a major challenge for organizational leaders at all levels Management can function effectively and efficiently it leads the employees towards organizational goals and objectives thus this study will help the Human Resource Management to maintain efficient workforce in an organization 1 6 Limitations of the study Nothing is perfect in the globalized world This research also has some limitations Population has taken only from Jaffna district Data obtained only from private sector banks in Jaffna district Sample size is limited to 150 employees in selected private sector banks This study is conducted only based on the data collected through questionnaire 1 7 Outline of the study This study categorized the components in to five chapters First chapter consists of introduction to the research study It also includes introduction and research background research problem research question Objectives of the study significance of the study limitation of the study and outline of the study Chapter two consists of literature review This includes the empirical evidence the explanations of the concept of demographic differences and employee behavior and related variables also Third chapter deals with Methodology This includes conceptual framework of the study definition of key concepts and variables hypothesis data collection method methods of data analysis and limitations Chapter four presents interpretation of the results obtained from the analysis commenting on the significance of findings at every stage and testing the hypothesis It covers all the aspects of data analysis including a description of the data and other preliminary analysis Chapter five contains a summary of the finding of the study the learning points and implications of the findings along with solution to the research problem and other avenues for related further researches that could enhance the findings of the study

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